Meeting salamader

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They left the station and began to walk through the town . It was Lucy's first time in a port town she couldn't help but to be amazed at the fresh air was nice and the townspeople look happy and cheerful unlike her she was confined into a strict household with very high expectations not lower or standard expectations

"Wow's so beautiful"Lucy said amazed

"Yeah I know" gray agreed

Lucy asked"Can you come with me to the magic shop Gray I want to see if they have any gate keys? "

Gray smirked"Sure I don't mind "

"Thanks " Lucy said

They then walk through the port town to find the magic shop and within minutes they were able to find one and they enter before it turned into shopping time

"Excuse me sir do you have any powerful gate keys?"

"Well we do have gate keys but there're not powerful as you think"the owner of the shop said as he took out a bunch of keys wrapped in a cloth

"Hmmmm "she pauses for a minute "doggy "Gray and the owner sweat drop "I'll like this key please"

"Well that's 20000 jewels miss" the owner of the shop said

"Really now tell me what price it really is "she said as she places her hand on the zipper and pulls it down

Gray turns around he and the owner begin to have a nosebleed

"That's-that's 5000 jewels miss

"Thanks "she zips up her top then she pays the key and drags gray with her

She sighs "why did you have to look at me"

"I was wondering on what your doing and I'll check around to see what this 'salamander ' does  " gray moans

Lucy begins to notices a flower shop and looks at the lily flowers and tells the old lady who owns the place

"Wow these flowers are beautiful "

"Why thank your so kind "

"Your welcome "Lucy said

"Isn't....  he Gray the ice devil"

"Yes he is ma'am"

"Ahh what an adorable couple you two make "smiled the old lady

Lucy stutters"w-w-we're n-n-not together ma'am "

"But I could of sworn "

"Is there something wrong"Lucy asks

The old lady explains"It's nothing I was a Mage back in the day and I could of sworn that his and your magic were the most compatible than anyone's"

Lucy was dumbstruck of what the kind old lady said to her

"Well his magic is darkness magic ,ice make magic and ice devil slayer magic"explained Lucy

"And yours"

"I use celestial spirit magic , holy magic and I never told him but I'm a water devil slayer  "Lucy explained

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