As you wish

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Emma couldn't trust this man . No matter how nice he is now he will turn against her just like Neal .
"I have to get out of here " she muttered to herself "
She looked around at her surroundings and noticed that there was not one picture of a family member in this room and the decor lakes a woman's touch.
"Miss swan , would you like anything to drink ? I put ice on your eye while you were sleeping so it wouldn't bruise "
"Mmm can I have hot cocoa pls" Emma managed to get out . " sure love "
"And don't call me love I'm not your love " Emma snapped at him
"Srry miss swan I guess it's a habit " killian said as he scurried of it make the cocoa . While killian was busy in the kitchen Emma turned on the TV to make it look like she wasn't playing to escape .
"BREAKING NEWS !!! Killian jones  has taken in a mysterious  blond women into his home . No one knows who she is or what her relationship with mr jones is . " Emma's picture then popped up on the TV . It was when killian was carrying her into his house .
"Killian you son of a bi@€&  you told the press about me why " Emma screamed at him while throwing the closest thing she could reach at him .
" what are you taking about ? I didn't tell anyone about "
"Then why am I on the news ? Answer me th...... Oh no Neal will see . He will know where to find me . This is all your fault . You bast@#£ " Emma ran at killian at hit him repeatedly . Killian let her as he knows ymthsi must be hard for her and she must be scared . Emma's punches  began to get weaker when killian realised she was crying . He decided to comfort her . " it's going to be ok i won't let  anyone harm you again "
" don't make promises you don't intend to keep "she mumbled out while sniffling . 
" that's the thing miss swan I do intend to keep my promise . Now come on I will let you rest and I will call the police to discuss this Neal character ok".
Emma was to sleepy to comprehend what he said so she just nodded . Killian picked her up and brought her to his room an lays her down . Emma was kicked out the minute her head hit the pillow
" I won't let any harm come to you Elizabeth not while I'm around "

Sorry it's short I will update agin later since it was such a short chapter

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