"no more tears"

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she looked up at him and met his chocolate brown eyes, her greenish eyes were no match to his. he looked at her worriedly. she shook her head. "jeremie." said justin. "ill see you later." she smiled weakly and started walking away.                                                                                                                                            she sat on the bed heavily and closed her eyes. she felt stupid, lost, embarrassed. stupid to be crying about such silly reasons. lost because she did not even know why she was crying particularly, embarrassed because she obviously did not want justin to see her this way. close to tears. she felt so confused she had to literally sit there and rewind every single detail just to understand it and set it in the perfect order. then scene by scene she would think whether something went wrong. in the one's everything was fine she did not care. and the rest of them which were well the starting of issues she sent them to the drafts and then thought deeply as though what happened. what messed up. eventually not getting any answers.she felt so tired, so helpless. she felt like she needed someone to hug her so tight and let her know that things were going to be alright. she missed her mom. she felt like running up to her mom and hugging her so tight, that all the problems. all the fights, all the mess-ups would just melt down. she wanted to be happy. she was..she thought. she had this perfect little vacation going on. the island was so beautiful but something was wrong... wouldn't it be better if she didn't have to worry about her family. it was as if she was the parent. and her mom and dad were the siblings who fought like cats & dogs. she hated this feeling. oh! life was so fucked up! she went to the washroom an washed her face. the cool water trickled down her neck and she slowly opened her eyes. she looked at herself trying to read her own expression. trying to know what she was feeling. at that moment, she just felt so...lost. she checked her cellphone and saw the very blank screen looking back at her. the first thing she did was checked her logs. maybe her mom had called. nope. than she checked her inbox, oh, maybe she had a message. she did have one but that one was from justin. it read. 

justin: jeremie? u fine? 

she shook her head. "no, justin. i'm not" she said and kept her phone aside without replying. she switched on the TV and started watching comedy central. the channel managed to spread a smile across her face atleast. she enjoyed the sitcom for almost an hour and then turned the TV off. it was 12:45. she decided a walk wouldn't be such a bad idea. considering no one would be up. she could just have some more time with herself. she changed into her jeans and a purple t-shirt. took her cell phone and started walking toward the beach. the moment she lay her foot on the cold sand she felt a little more relaxed. she sat on the wet sand cross legged and once again started wondering whether she should call her mom or not? it was 12:30 and according to jeremie, her mom and dad might have just had the last fight of the day. her dad might be in the front yard smoking. while her mom would be in the living room, quietly flicking through channels. but she called. 

"hello" said her mom.

"mom, its me jeremie." replied jem, trying to sound exited.

"jesus, what made you call me at this time?" replied her mom. at first she smiled because she thought her mom asked her the question worriedly but she eventually came to know, her mom asked it out of frustration. 

"nothing, ma. i just wanted to ..talk."


"so, how was your day?" asked jeremie.

"pretty much the same. how was yours?" asked her mom uninterested.

"oh, i had so much fun, i went to this beach first and this island is just so beautiful-"

"you know what honey? lets talk about this tomorrow can we? you know i have to wake up early and leave for the office right? goodnight baby. have a nice time." replied jeremie's mom.

"yea..goodnight mom." a tear trickled down jeremie's cheek and she wiped it away. she was done with crying. now all she would do for the rest of her weekend was enjoy. she was so done with worrying about her family when they hardly even cared. she was so done. she looked at the sea. the waves crashed gently along the shore and she closed her eyes, and smiled. she smiled because she was proud that she had eventually reached her decision. she felt good. she felt brave. "no more tears." she whispered. 

"yea that'd be nice" she heard someone say. she turned around to find justin standing behind her. he wore the same t-shirt just replaced the jean with his Capri. "hey, what are you doing here?" she asked. "i should ask u the same question." he replied with a smile. she smiled back. "honestly, i don't know what i'm doing here, i just wasn't sleepy." she replied and a yawn followed. "i can see" he teased. justin sat beside jeremie on the sand and both of them looked at the waves. "what about you? what are u doing here?" she asked. "i wasn't very sleepy too." he replied and looked at her. his eyes seemed to look deep inside her. as if he knew what she was feeling, as if he knew exactly what to say next that could make her feel alright. all of it seemed so scripted. she was the first one to break the gaze but she could still feel his eyes on her even after she looked away.  "can i ask you something." justin asked. jeremie nodded. "you looked upset earlier when i met you, you ok?" he asked. "i don't know." she replied being honest. she looked at him and gave him one of her strong smiles. he nodded. "i'm sorry, i'm just too thoughtful at this moment" she apologized. "its fine. wanna talk about it?" he asked sweetly. they sat together for quite a while. talking. she finally gave in and told him about the steve incident. she couldn't tell him about her parents. she did not want to make him feel uncomfortable. like what was he? her phycatrist? she did not have to tell him everything. he did get a little mad at steve and asked jeremie whether she wanted him to talk to steve. she replied with a no.

"wanna take a walk?" he asked all of a sudden. 

"sure." she said standing up and brushing the sdand off her jeans. 

they walked along the wet shore. she loved the way the water touched her to and fro. "so what took you so long to come here?" she asked. "oh yes, the long story. its just that my gnadma showed up. and she did not want me to go and all." jeremie looked at justin with a wierd expression. hat was he? a 10 year old? an y wud his gnadma not let him come? he got the expression and quickly added. "she's umm...ill. she's 71 but her brain works like a 8 year old." he said and looked away. jeremie felt like kicking herself. how could she just shoot him with an expession without even knowing the whole thing. ugh! "i'm so sorry" she said looking at him. "its fine" he shook his head." she still felt sorry for him. niether of them said anything for a while and then justin added. "hey look." he said pointing out something. "what?" jeremie asked. "come with me" he said catching hold of jeremie's hand and pulling her away frm the water and further up the sand. he kneeled down on the sand and so did she. they were surrounded by little tutles. the egges had just hatched and all the confused babies were finding wandering around searching for a way to reach the water. "they are beautiful." jeremie commented. she was glad that she got to share this moment with justin. it felt so special. he nodded and looked at her with the same look he had given earlier as if he was trying to study her. she blinked and smiled at him. "are they going to find their way back? like without any guidance?" she asked. "yea, thats how they are. they just know." he replied. justin picked up a little turtle and placed it on his hand. jeremie leaned closer to have a better look at the little creature. she ran a finger over the smooth turle shell. before she could know the turtle was on her hand. she giggled and looked at justin. he was smiling. jeremie quickly captured a picture of those beautiful turtles and justin grabbed the phone out of her hand and started clicking pictures of jeremie. "no." she said, covering her face. he kept on clicking and she laughed. they were having a nice time. she took her cell back and clicked a picture of justin smiling down at a turtle. he looked so cute. focus! she thought. they slowly walked up to where jeremie's cottage was and justin said a goodnight. and they left, she felt good about this night. she felt....happy. she smiled. 

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