Chapter 25

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Hello once again, can I just say I'm so happy and glad with all the reads and supporters of this book! Never thought so many people could like something of mine! Thanks a lot guys!

Chapter 25

Normal POV

Somehow Dan had become separated from the rest during the battle against the hybrids and hoped everyone else was doing okay. He wondered around, taking in his surroundings.

Tall trees, lush green grass and shrubs here and there. He sensed someone behind him, he turned around and saw a magnificent beast. A pure black coat and black feathered wings. The two front feet the same as bird talons and the rest like a horse.

It wasn't like a Gryphon no, it was like a Pegasus and a bird but not just any bird it was like a Thunderbird. A mythical bird that is known for its strength.

"Who are you?" Dan asked. The animal stayed silent. "Why would you like to know?" It was a woman's voice, but for some reason Dan felt like the knew the voice, just couldn't place it.

"What do you want?" He asked determined to figure out a reason for this. "I don't know, I wasn't given that information. But I don't care, I owe these people my life. They gave me ability to move on from my past".

Dan wondered, "what past?" He hoped this worked. She shrugged "I don't know, I have no memory of anyone that related to my past. I however, was left with the memories of what happened and how I was left at an orphanage but I can't recall who was involved".

Dan finally knew her, he placed her voice to her face. "Danny!" How could he forget that voice that he had heard so many times?

How could he forget the girl he saved and then betrayed? That promise that he failed to keep. Why didn't she remember him?

Anaya remembered the dark brown Moose that saved her that day, she could never forget that animal and the boy that shared the same body. But did he remember her?

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" she whispered before charging and ramming straight into Dan. Knocking him clean off his feet.

She must not remember him at all. Of course, he erased the people of her life not the memories. She won't remember me, after all I erased myself from her mind. Anaya.

He had no choice but to fight, otherwise he would most certainly die. Dan got up steadily and charged at her, she started to lift from the ground and hovered in the air.

This is unfair, I can't fly unlike her. Dan thought as he watched the creature in front of him. "Oh I forgot you can't fly. I want to avoid violence, but I owe these people everything".

"But why? What did they do for you?" He asked, trying to avoid fighting as well. "They gave me this Spirit, it was painful and reminded me of my past but now that's no longer an issue. Because my Spirit allows me to forget those horrible memories".

She didn't know the truth, she wouldn't want her Spirit if she knew that they belonged to unfortunate people who were abused like her.

"How could you side with him? The very man that tortured and abused so many just to get their Spirit DNA". Obviously she didn't know that. All the people working for him are oblivious to the horrible truth.

"No your lying! He's better than that! He's kind and caring, not a monster!" Dan felt mad, he shouldn't have wiped her family from her memory because then she would remember her Fathers voice and face.

"I know you don't remember your family... But if you'll let me, I can let you remember" her animal eyes lit up.

She came back down to earth, folding her majestic black feathered wings to her side. In a blinding flash, the noble creature was replaced.

A young girl with brown/blonde hair and blue eyes. In another blinding light Dan had transformed also. She gave him a genuine smile.

Tears started to well up in her eyes and they threatened to fall. "Anaya. I knew it was you" he felt relieved now that he could see the strong and amazing person she had become.

"Dan... I- I never forgot you. I would never forget the person that saved me all those years ago" she said before running towards Dan.

He held his arms open towards her and she flung herself into them. They enveloped each other in a caring and friendly embrace. Dan placed his hand on her head.

A small glow came from under his hand onto her head. Her mind started flooding with images of her families faces. A young woman with jet black hair and blue eyes, a young boy with green eyes and jet black hair with blue streaks and a man with black hair and pale skin.

"I know your Brother Anaya, he's fine and living life. Your mother is also fine but lost her Spirit. However your father is the very man that gave you your Spirit and the very same person who took Antonio 11 years ago".

"Dan, thank you. I'm glad that Mother and Antonio are safe. I have always lov-" she was cut off by something. Dan broke the everlasting hug, as he looked down he saw her shirt was red with blood.

He panicked and looked around for the guilty person. Hiding in a tree was her Father with a bow in his hand. He looked back down to Anaya. The girl was dying.

"Anaya.... Please don't leave me, I need you" Dan whispered. She took the last of her strength to release her Spirit from their bond. She turned to Dan.

"Dan, I have always loved you. Ever since I met you I have always loved you. Stay strong and live for me, please" she said weakly. He nodded and whispered "I love you too, I will live everyday like its my last".

She gave him one last smile and one last message "i always hated life, everyday I wished I was dead. At such a young age, I never had anyone. You made my life worth living. Thank you and goodbye".

She took her last breath, her eyes drifted closed. She fell out of consciousness and the rhythm of her heart played for the last time.

Dan held her tight, he looked up to where her Father once sat. He was gone.  He killed his own daughter to cover his own faults. I hope Antonio pulled his shit together, he can't side with this monster anymore.

The battle was drawing to close, but the biggest challenge of all was about to unfold and relationships will be tested as problems will arise.


So that was that chapter now there will most likely be only two chapters left of this book *sits in corner and cries* but i have enjoyed writing this book and i have enjoyed seeing all the people who took the time to read it! Thanks guys so much!

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