4:12 PM

There you are again with your damn long replies. How long does it take you to type? Do you have big thumbs?

5:20 PM

Where are you? Can't find you

5:36 PM

Sorry, went to the library quick for references. Five minutes pls

5:38 PM

Five kisses for each minute you're late, Mendoza

5:45 PM

I'm patiently waiting.

6:00 PM

I'm parked at the second gate so you don't have to walk all the way to the lot

6:03 PM

So many minutes.... so many kisses I can die a happy man

6:05 PM

Wait! I saw an interesting book kasi!

6:07 PM

I don't mind, I'm looking forward to kisses

6:10 PM

Enjoy your stay, Mendoza

6:12 PM

Do you hear me humming happily, love?

6:15 PM

You're thirty-seven minutes late sa hiningi mong five minutes, Mendoza. That's 185 kisses in total and yes, I did that mentally

6:17 PM

I'm reading, Faulkerson! And when I read, I fucking read! Why don't you just ask me to have sex with you?!!!!!

6:18 PM

Excellent idea! :) As expected from Faulkerson's girlfriend

6:19 PM

Love, you are making me proud with those thoughts I never knew you could have. Ah, I'm teaching you well

6:24 PM

Finally, I see you coming out

6:24 PM

You looked like you're ready to devour me anytime, Mendoza

7:10 PM

Thanks for the ride home, Faulkerson.

7:11 PM

Ahhh, strawberry

7:14 PM


7:17 PM

You tasted like strawberry

7:19 PM

How do you know? Pumapapak ka ba ng strawberry flavored lipstick in your free time?

7:20 PM

Not telling 

7:24 PM

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