"It's nice to meet you Mr.Yuki." Yuu said as he sat down. "Forgive my curiosity sir but I was just wondering, what were you you doing out there all alone at this time of the night?"

"Let's just say I had things to do." Mr. Yuki said. "Things that was suppose to give me money for food tomorrow, sadly I was swindled and now here I am, I'll probably starve tomorrow."

"Its ok." Yuu said. "I'll get us something to eat, I have some money here and I'd be more than willing to share it with you."

"Thank you so much Yuichiro." He smiled.

"No thank you Mr.Yuki." Yuu smiled. "I don't know what I'd have done by now if I hadn't met you, so thanks."

The next day, Yuu went out to buy some food with the little money he had, surprisingly he bought a lot of things, things seemed to be cheaper around the neighborhood. While they ate, they decided to engage in a conversation.

"So why are you living all alone?" Yuu asked. "Don't you have someone to look after you?"

He shook his head. "My family died a few years ago, some robbers came to their home and shot them in their sleep, no one survived."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." Yuu frowned sadly. "I too lost my family, my parents dies a long time ago, I can't really remember how they died though, but I was then taken in by this nice man called Guren Ichinose."

"I see, how lucky." Mr. Yuki said. "Well um..I believe it's my turn to do the asking, why did you run away from home?"

Yuu sighed. "I didn't run, I'm just escaping for a little while, I'm having some.....issues."

"I see." Mr. Yuki said

"I'll go back when my mind is right again." Yuu said. "Till then, is it ok if I stay here with you."

"Sure." He said. "You're more than welcome yo stay here, but I don't think I'll be able to feed us."

"No worries, I'll get a job." Yuu said.

"That won't be easy around here, but good luck." He said.

"I'll go once I'm done with breakfast." Yuu said.

Yuu spent the rest of the day looking for a job, but sadly, he had no luck at all. It was either too full, or they just couldn't afford another employee. Yuki was right, it wasn't going to be easy. Yuu had gotten tired, he decided to take a sit, as he did he watched the neighborhood. It was pretty busy, and noisy. His eyes locked on to a set of men walking into an alley, he ignored at first but after a few minutes of watching, Yuu saw many people entering and coming out of the alley, maybe there was something promising there. He stood up and walked over to take a look.

He was shocked to see the place wasn't an alley at all, it was just an opening with a building in it. It was a maid cafe, Yuu could here his tummy rumble, he hasn't had anything to eat since he left that morning, he still had some money left, maybe he could get himself and Yuki something to eat.

As he went further towards the cafe, he saw a man walking out with two maids accompanying him. "Well dolls, it's time I get going, do you think we can meet again, say nine?"

"Sorry master." One of the girl said. "We're supposed to be home by eight, our madame worries too much for her girls, so our curfew is eight."

"Well someone needs to tell her that you are big girls now." He said.

"Well she still cares, she's just like mother to us." The other maid said. "Besides we're even busy and couldn't meet with you, we're hiring new girls and the madame wants everyone to help out."

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