★Random Challenge!

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DD: Alright, guys! I have a challenge for all of you!

Aomine: Challenge? Count me in.

Kagami: I'm in!

Midorima: I feel this is going to be unlucky...very unlucky..nanodayo.. *shivers*

DD: Hehe~ *grins* Trust me, it's to die for!

Kise: ...I'm up for it ssu~!

Murasakibara: Troublesome...

DD: Lifetime sweet supply for the winner.

Murasakibara: Let's do this.

Kise: That was fast...

Kuroko: This might end up really good or really bad...

DD: Lifetime sweet supply~

Kuroko: Anything for my waifuu.

Kagami: He's talking about vanilla milkshake again, isn't he?

Aomine: That's Tetsu for you. Go for it, Tetsu!

Kise: I don't think you should encourage him...

Aomine: I won't let you win me, though.

Kuroko: Vanilla...is life.

Kagami: There he goes again.

Midorima: Kuroko and his weird obsessions, nanodayo.

Kise: You're the one to talk!

DD: Okay, that's enough! Now, about the challenge...

Kise: I'm so excited!

Midorima: ...I can feel something bad is going to happen, nanodayo.

Aomine: Dude, we've been together for a very  long time. And did something ever go right? No.

Kagami: You should be used to it by now. Especially with  Kuroko.

Kuroko: That's just rude, Kagami-kun.

Kagami: Sorry. Just being honest.
Kuroko: At least, I'm not as bad as your grades.

Kagami: Don't bring that up! Temee!

Aomine: Hahhahaha! Burn!

Kagami: Yeah. Just like you're skin.

Aomine: Tsk. Bakagami!

Kagami: Ahomine!

Kise:  So childish...

Midorima: You're the one to talk,nanodayo.

Murasakibara: Let's just start already. *yawns*

DD: I'll make it short and clear! My challenge is...you guys need to seduce Sei!

Everyone: *becomes pale* ......

DD: Each have 5 minutes to do it. So...who wants to go first?

Kise: You mean, who  wants to die first? Not me.

DD: That's so nice of you, Ryou. You're first, you annoying lemon.

Kise: Ehhh?! I don't wanna dieeee!

DD: *kicks him inside Akashi's room* Good luck! *closes  the door*

Kise: *gulps nervously* ...Uhh..Akashicchi... etoo...

Akashi: What do you want, Ryouta?

Kise: *winks at him seductively* Wanna-

Akashi: *glares*

Kise: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Gomenasai!!! *runs away*

DD: *sighs* Next one.

Kagami: This is ridiculous!

DD: What's that? You want to  go next? Oh, sure! *kicks him inside Akashi's room*

Kagami: Chotto!!

DD: Too  late.. *closes the door*

Kagami: Uhhhh....

Akashi:  *stares* ....

Kagami: ...Ummm...I...uhh...Urgh! So weird! This is so weird!! *sighs* ...But I won't lose to Ahomine... I'll show that jerk... I refuse to lose to Ahomine!!

DD: Time's up.

Kagami: What? I haven't sta- *gets kicked out*

DD: Dai. You're next.

Aomine: Heh. Piece of cake. *enters* Oi, Akashi. *takes off t-shirt and walks towards Akashi*

Akashi: *takes off t-shirt as well* Yes, Daiki?

Aomine: H-h-hot.... *nosebleeds  and faints*

DD: Uhh... *pokes his cheek* ..Someone please call an ambulance... Next is... Shinta-chan!

Midorima: Na?! I never agreed to this, nanodayo!

DD: *pushes him inside* Ganbatte ne!

Midorima: H-hey! *blushing* Akashi! You approved this, nanodayo?!

Akashi: Get to work.

Midorima: *blushes hard* F-fine, nanodayo... *takes off glasses and licks the tip seductively*

Akashi: *smirks*  Heh. Not bad.

DD:  *puts him in a sack and takes him home* Heheheh...

Murasakibara: My turn.. *comes in* Aka-chin.

Akashi: Hmmm?

Murasakibara: Let me taste you.. *licks lips*

Akashi: My, my...

Murasakibara: *burps* Ah, gomen.

Akashi: *sighs*

Kuroko: *hugs him from behind*

Akashi: *gasps* Tetsuya?

Kuroko: Akashi-kun is mine... *buries his face on his neck* You should be punished...

Akashi:  T-tetsuya... *blushes and dies*

Kuroko: Yassss! Lifetime supply of vanilla milkshakes! Yasss!

DD:  Uhhh...Ambulance....Now.

(A/N: Omedetou, Tetsuya Kuroko! I guess.... I admit, I'm a bit fan of AkaKuro XD It's so cute.

Sorry for the very slow updates. My  brain is gonna explode. Thank you for voting and everything. ^_^ Love u!)

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