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Hunger! The pain it brings from the need to feed. The torture of the tantalising nutrients that surround me. The fear of losing control of this hungry. Why, why did this happen to me? Why do I feel this way? The sweet delicious scent of iron fills my nostrils and surrounds me. The scent I once found repulsive now makes my mouth moisten with saliva to taste that sweetness. No, I must not give in to the monster inside me waiting to take over. I have my soul and I'm keeping it, even if it means dying. I lay my head back on the brick wall of this narrow alley way. My toes touching the other side with my knees up at my chest. I let my elbows lay onto of my knees as I relax myself, specifically my hunger. I keep my eyes closed as I listen to the kids playing on the street and people pass by without a second glance towards me. All they see is a nobody, a vagrant, not the pain and suffering they cause me as they pass. Their delicious scents that make me struggle with the beast within. I can not give in, or I will no longer be me. Death is my only choice and I choose it willingly. Of course it’s already happened, but this time I’m gonna stay dead. I will cause no more pain to the innocent of heart as I’ve done before. I remember her light blue eyes so full of life all taken away by one simple bite. Her lifeless body in my arms and her warm delicious blood running through my veins bringing me to life, but by doing so I took the one I held most precious. I’m so sorry Kira, I didn’t mean it. I feel wetness upon my face as I open my eyes and look up feeling more splash upon my pale cold face. I loved the rain, how it rejuvenated the earth. I take a second as I look down at the puddle forming next to me. The reflection a haunting memory of the life I stole. I was the fake and she was the original. I look at the same blue eyes, but filled with sadness and pain. It should have been her you was chosen not me, the pathetic copy of one so perfect. I guess that is why my name is Mira, I was the Mirror image of Kira.

“Mira.” A deep voice that haunts me, he was the reason I was here and not her. I look up to see the dark skinned man with the black soulless eyes. He wore a white suit to be ironic since he was a bringer of death rather than life. His name was as harsh as the man himself.

I just called him what everyone else called him instead, “Duke.” My tone was detached and filled with venomous anger that has been boiling with in me.

“Mira my girl, don't look at me that way.” He says with a cocky smirk playing upon his blood red lips, still dripping with the scent of his recent victim. I was glaring pure hate daggers at him with my eyes, wishing I had my strength and wishing to kill him finding bringing an end to his evil reign. Even if I died I would come out the victor for I had no regard for this pitiful thing called an existence.

“You have no rights to me.” I snarl him with a much strength I can muster up in my dry throat. The smell of the blood was making me dizzy and uneasy. I had to keep everything in as long as I can, I will not give in. He crouched down next to me looking at me as if remembering the monster I used to be as a shell of it’s being.

He did not move any closer knowing that I was already on edge, “You always have a home with me Mira, don’t forget what I’ve done for you.” He tells me reminding me of the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. He placed his black business card on the ground next to his white dress shoes. “I hope to see you again.” He tells me before standing up and walking away, fading into the crowd. I looked at the black business card that lays on the ground. I used to trust him, but that disappeared along with Kira and the monster. I’m the soul of Mira Colden and I’m gonna keep it that way, even if it’s not for long.

Blood, Blood, I need Blood. I held my stomach as I laid right outside the alley. My mouth begins to  have it’s own pulse as it starts to pound bringing me only pain as well as my stomach that seemed to be fighting against me. I started to puke up blood instead. I knew my eyes were bloodshot red from the hunger and pain. No I will not give in. It was sad knowing that a girl on the street in pain was passed by so many strangers, not even giving a look to me. I was dying and all they were concerned about was their petty little lives. It angers me that I died so these people could live, they are the true monsters of society. Oh great I’m sounding like the monster again, this is what I’ve be driven to? I calm myself and just focus on my pain, I deserve to be tortured for what I’ve done. Everything started to get fuzzy. Is this it, is this going to end my pain? Then I welcomed the darkness with open arms.

Hello, I hope you liked this. It was just an idea when I was hungry and it turned into this.

Please tell me if you liked it or if you would like to read more. I would enjoy some thoughts please.

The song is Cannibal by Ke$ha.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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