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My name is Haley my best friend's are Kristina, Kylie,maddie I've made so many friends over the Internet that help me through a lot like at school I'm not what you would consider popular I only have Kristina,maddie,and Kylie  in school but that's more than I could ask for my internet best friends are Nathan Triska,BruhitsZach,itsnickbean,devin corrwin,itsnickhorton,Mario,mark,Jacob and Weston kory but I'm the closest to Nathan ill tell you why later but let me tell you about my bully's their names are Timmy,hunter,Brandon,Blake,Madelin,rudan,Edwin,jake,Sam,Rachel,and sera

I always end up running home crying because of the hate I get at school and the stuff they say about me just is to hard to mention without wanting to cry

Ok now here's why I'm so close to Nathan is because one day I came home from school crying I'm a famous younower so I went live to try and clear my thoughts and people kept putting sad emojis asking what's wrong then a boy named Nathan asked me to guest him so I did he looked so worried he asked me what was wrong I explained and started crying more he said don't cry babe everything will be fine then I started to calm down and he smiled at me which made me smile then he said there's that smile which made me giggle some people said I ship it😭👌
And other said #naley and others said GOALS!!! Which mane me and Nathan chuckle later when I got off we dm'ed
H=Haley n=Nathan
N*hey babe
N*do you think I could Maybe have your number🙈🙊
H*of course we're friends and all now it's ***_***_***
N*thanks babe luv you
H*ill talk to you later love you too
And we grew closer and closer

Internet best friend//Nathan Triska Where stories live. Discover now