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We needed to get Thor to disobey Odin, get him to try and slay the Jotuns. Not all of them, we needed Laufey. The plan wouldn't work well without him. It wouldn't work at all without him. Loki and I knew what the major play of the plan was, the little details were the only problem. How to get someone there, how to manipulate someone into doing it. Manipulating was my best work, bending people how I want them to.

Some things in our plan were devised well. Where loyalities lay, where people stand in all of this. Who we need, who we can move off of our checkerboard. There wasn't much that could throw us off, but there were some motives.

I leaned against the marble pillar, my back pressed against the cool material. My eyes scanned Asagard, seeing the warm colours radiate off of the building. Making everything look so much different then it actual it. Casting illusions across the town.

I turned my head towards Loki, seeing him shift a bit beside me. My eyes gazed into his as I turned my head. The both of us holding the same small smile. I snapped mine away when I heard the doors open loudly, only one person could be that loud. Thor. I peaked around the collumn a bit, seeing him.

His hands were grasping the banquet table, flipping it with immense strength and rage. I didn't need to use my powers to sense it, it was written all over his face.

Thor let out a scream, being loud, yet again. The food came tumbling from the table, rolling down and some even splattering against the opposite collumns. Staining them with the red and orange juices coming from the fruit. There was food sadly sprawled on the floor, nobody would dare eat it.

Without even casting a glance at Loki, I walked away from the pillar and towards Thor. He just sat there, on the stairs with a thump. I walked slowly towards him, keeping some of my distance.

"It's unwise to be in my company right now, brother, sister." He nodded towards both of us. A piece of hair fell into his view. "This was to be my day of triumph."

"There's no need to stress about it." My voice was a bit raspy, trying to calm Thor. "We can and will reschedule the corination." I sat beside Thor, Loki on the other side of him.

"What's this?" I knew it was Volstagg. He'd usually come towards us in times like this. Times were food was layed out, anywhere. It didn't matter what condition it was in. He'd more than likely eat it. Disgusting.

"If it's any consolation I think you're right. About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything," said Loki also trying to compose him. "If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defense once, who's to say they won't try again?"

"Maybe even the next time they come in Asgard they won't be as 'peaceful'." I let my hand rest on the staircase, near Thor. I was thinking about manipulating him, that would make it too easy.

"Exactly." Thor agreed.

"There's nothing you can do without defying Father." Loki said, trying to make him do something unspoken.

Thor looked between us with a glint in his eye. His plan, and ours, were set in his head.

"No, no, no. I know that look." Loki said almost to quickly to hear, while doing so Thor got up.

"That's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders." He pointed with his finger towards us if we know what to do, the both of us sort of did know.

"Thor, it's madness." Loki said frightfully.

Madness that I wouldn't be so opposed to.

"Madness? What sort of madness?" Volstagg spoke again, this wasn't really his conversation to be butting into. I let it slide. I glanced at Loki, standing up slowly.

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