Chapter 10: Coming Home

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"No!" I shot the guards that were in front of me and behind me. Seren clutched her stomach and dropped on her knees. I picked her up by the waist and took her to the ship. 

"Hal, start the ship!" I yelled.

"What's going- oh no!" he said, walking from the repair room. 

"Just please go!"

"This... is going to ruin my whole day." Seren stuttered.

"This isn't the time." I said while setting her on the bunk.

"Is it... ever the time to... do anything."

"How much blood have you lost?"

"I lost count."

"What- never mind." I said.

"I'm going to die." she stated.

"No. Not on my watch." I walked to the storage closet and got out the med kit. 

"That knife went really deep. I feel unconsciousness coming."

"Hey. You're Seren. You can fight. You can fly pretty much any ship. You never give up. Why give up now?"

Seren grinned. "You're right."

"Here, this will stop the bleeding." I started wrapping bandages around her waist. She closed her eyes and her breathing slowed. Consciousness had left her.

The ship landed in the landing strip behind the agency. I scooped Seren up and ran into the building. I found a nurse. "I need to get her in the Med Wing, fast!" I said to her.

"Follow me." she replied urgently. We walked quickly into the Med Wing and into an empty room with a hospital bed. I set Seren on it while the nurse called in the doctors. "They're coming as soon as possible," the nurse said to me. "why don't you wait in the waiting room?"

"Why? Why can't I stay with her?" I asked, furiously.

"Please. It's just better if you leave her alone."


"Just please follow my directions." the nurse interrupted.

I sighed. "Fine."

I walked out in the waiting room and sat in one of the cushioned chairs. I started thinking, What if she doesn't make it? What if that knife did serious damage? I pushed those thoughts away, knowing that Seren would fight, as she did for everything.


About an hour later, Oliver walked in.

"I heard what happened," he said, clearly worried. I looked up at him. "You're giving me puppy-dog eyes. You're upset." 

"You're clever." 

"Well, when you're around people a lot, you learn how to tell what they're feeling."


"You really like her, don't you Mason?" Oliver asked. I nodded.


"I've got to get back to work. Hang in there, buddy." He said as he got up. I was alone once again.


It was the middle of the night, and I hadn't slept a wink. I checked the time. 1:24 a.m.. I sat up and started bawling like i had never cried before. I've had to be strong this whole time, for Seren, and now I felt like this was the only time to cry. When nobody was around. When nobody was there to see me fall to pieces. I couldn't take it anymore; not knowing what would happen to Seren. There was no news since I left her in the hospital room. I just couldn't handle my emotions at the moment.

I wiped my face and started thinking again; was I giving up on Seren? I couldn't do it now. I wasn't going to until this moment. Now I was just overwhelmed by the circumstances of what could happen. 


I was in the waiting room the next morning when the nurse came in.

"She's awake." I jumped out of my chair and rushed into the room. Seren was sitting up with her feet dangling over the side of the bed.

She saw me. "Mason?"

"Oh my god!" I raced over and pulled her into a kiss. I kissed her like I haven't seen her in a thousand years, which is what I felt like.


I love her. Seren may be a little snippy at times (okay maybe very snippy) and she may have her flaws, but she's still my kind of perfect. She's worth it, because I would go over the moon and back for her.

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