-w- muaha muahahaha >w<

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"whsossjmnxmakajsn" Jynx started speaking jibberish as Callie dragged lil cal through the halls of their little manor. Cal wrapped his legs and arms around Callie left leg and she walked back to the kitchen.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Jynx yelled and flailed his arms. "My new puppet that's actually a puppet." Callie told him smiling.

"ONE OF YOUR OTHER PUPPETS HAVENT DIED YET!!" Jynx protested, still flailing.

"Oh yeah..." Callie mumbled and reached into her back pocket. She pulled a hand gun out of her pocket.  "CALLIE WAIT NO NO NO STAHP BRO-"


**** **** **** **** ****

"Poor 2p Sealand..." Callie mumbled.

"NIKSIKDBSISOSHNDKWODDNJ!!!!!!" Jynx yelled ((idk how ._. )) running around the manor. "YOUR A CRAZY BITCH!!!!!!"

>....> Callie glared at Jynx. "HAY" Jynx saved himself and glomped her. "Hi.." she said.

(( -w- enjoy xD idk if I spelled all that shit up there right ^^^^^^ especially the roulette part .___. I wonder if im even saying the name right .____. idc I GOTTA NEW PUPPET BITCHES >W< and idk if someone roleplays him or not but if they did they don't anymore ._. suck it up cx ))

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