Daddy's girl

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I took my wonderful time walking home to try to stop the crazy thoughts running through his head. As I approach my street, I pick up the pace so it doesn't look like I have been moving as slow as a snail. I spot my mom staring in my general direction and I turn my speed up anotjher notch so I am speed walking. I run past the green lawn and up the steps to meet my mother at the door. "Late enough!" my mother said raising her voice and turning to face thye door. "So sorry mom. I got caught up at school," I lie, following my mother through the door. "Ya, sure you were," my mother said, sarcasticaly.

I drop my bag off before making my way to the living room where I take a seat next to my father. "So, I was thinking," he starts. Oh no this better not tturn into a horrible story. I smile back, trying to look sincer. Then he starts again, "Tomorrow you and me will take the afternoon off and go hiking!"  my father shouts. Next my brother races down the staircace and slides into the living room. "That's so not fair! I want to skip school too!" Devin complaines. "Oh, trust me, you don't" I blurt, covering my mouth. "I'm glad your enjoying school that much!" my mom cheers. I give her a quick," Yep!" and get back to dad. "Ya about that..." I trail off

I ended up having no choice. This is probably going to be the worst one yet! Yay! I absolutly hate hiking. I'm not really the althlete type.Which they both know. Just saying.

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