To Good To Be True

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Being a girl my age is hard. So many changes since you were young. More responsiblilites, more homework, and and lot more family time. My dad always says, "Your growing up. Being 16 can be tough, but that also means you drift away from your family." So because of my dad and his belifs of me drifting away, I am forced to take part in our weekly family day. Even though it's weekly, dad says it's not enough and we have to schedual " Becky and Dad time." Sometimes I'm jelous of my little brother, Devin. He gets off the hook for everything! The worst punishment he's had was a grounding from the "Disney channel," for two days. I would way prefer that over no cell for two weeks! Ya so, I don't have a phone for two weeks. My brother didn't tell my mom I went to my friend, Carla's house and I got the blame! I still can't believe it!

It's Monday night and I don't have homework. This is terrible, now I have no excuse for getting out of family time! "Becky, dear, come on down and play some scrabble," my mom shouted! "I don't feel good," I lied staying planted on my bed. " Come down and i'll check your temperature," replied my mom glaring up the stairs. I marched down the stairs, but not before i picked up a hot cloth from the bathroom. My mother felt my forhead, "It's not too bad. Go take an Advil and come join us." " I'll be okay," I replied, taking a seat beside my father. We played scrabble for what seemed to be four hours long and we declair my mother as winner. No supprize there. I clean up the table and grab a bun from the counter.

 I don't usually eat dinner with my family like i used to. Somtimes I think, " That's why they want to spend so much time with me." And maybe that is why, but I don't really take the time to think about it.

 I went past the dinning room where we played and started for the stairs. As I reached the bottom, a glow reached my eye. I followed the glow up the stairs that came from my mother's office. The door was ajar so i silently pushed it open and found the sourde of the light. The computer. I am dissapointed, I felt as if I were in a mystery movie waiting for the mystery to unravel, but then find there was never any mystery at all. Before I leave, I notice the screen. I gasp, it is on a dating site. Why ever would my mom need that? She is happily married to my dad. My heart starts beating hard against my chest. Would my mom really cheat on my dad. I thought all was well between them. Or maybe they will get divorced! How terrible would that be?

I travell back to the opposite side of the hall to my room with my heart aching and my head pounding. I make sure to close my door firmly and turn on my T.V. to try to get what I had just expirienced out of my head, but it is no use. All that's on T.V.  is re-runs of chic flicks that only remind me of mom and dad. I soon realize how tired I  am and decide to sleep it off. It takes about an hour but I finally fall asleep. I feel my moms gentle lips kiss my forehead and whisper, "Goodnight," in my ear. My door creaks shut and she is gone.

The next morning, I wake up at nine. Restlessly I struggle free from my blanket and fall flat on my glossy, hardwood floor. I sigh as I pull my self up and grab my robe with monkes with electric guitars on them and slip on my fuzzy, pig slippers. I stiffly walk down the hallway and down the steps. No one is in the kitchen except me. I grab down a box of Corn Flakes and place them on the top of the island. Then a go to the fridge and recieve the milk. I start pouring my milk when I turn on the T.V. and see the time. The milk splatters everywhere, i'm late. School started forty minutes ago. There is no way I can sneak in untill lunch, so when the school calls I tell them," Oh yes, i'm sorry I forgot to call and tell you she is feeling ill and she might be back by lunch."

It is reaching eleven so I start to get ready. I grab a blue, stripped, button-up blouse, a pair of dark wash, skinny jeans, under garmets, and my favorite designer, high heel boots.  Next, I brush my teeth, snatch my backpack and lunch and race out the front door, down the steps and towards the school. I make it just in time to get to my locker and get to history.

"Becky!" Carla whipered harshly. "Where were you? You missed all the morning classes and sign ups for the fashion show." "I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, taking a seat next to her.

The day is done before you know it and I am at my locker and about to leave when I recieve a message from my mom," Hey Honey Bunny, Your father wants to talk to you when you get home." Whenever this happens I never know what to expect. Sometimes he wants to learn to rap, sing, cook, bake, or even dance.

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