Come here sweetie ! Chapter one

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"Jim my shift is over!!" I yelled out to my boss. reply I walk around the register and peak over the huge "STARBUCKS" sign to see him lying on the floor. I quickly sprint over to him seeing that he's still alive just knocked out. Right then I see a guy jump out from behind the shelfs and cover my mouth with a musty black cloth. "Shh baby just breath deep it will all be ...AHHHH OUCH YOU LITTLE BITCH!" He screams out as I slam my foot into his shin and take off out the back entrance. Lets just say I am not the most athletic....well who am I kidding a granny could beat me in a race. I sprint for the nearest building which happens to be a book store across the road. When I reach the safety of the doors I quickly try to push them open...but they won't budge. I shove harder begging them to open when I hear heavy foot steps coming in my direction. 'Please please please open' I chant in my mind till I look at a label placed by the nob, it says "PULL" in bright red letters. I mentally face palm myself and give the doors a huge tug opening them up wide before running in and locking them behind me. I begin to search for the exit just as the glass behind me shattered. A large are rapped around my waist and pulled my to a white van. 'Oh how cliche' I thought to myself while wriggling around and trying to break free to no avail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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