Chapter 1: Aaralyn

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"Bye Rae! I'm bringing Eden to school today!" I yelled to my older sister, who is also my guardian.
"Be careful Aary!" Raegan yelled back.
"Aren't I always?"
I got my bag and got Eden, my little brother, in the car. I drove him to his first day of  second grade.
"Are you ready?" I questioned.
"No. I'm scared," he replied.
"Me too little bro, me too," I admitted.
I looked at him in the rear-view; he looked terrified. I sighed lightly.
"I promise it won't be bad, Eden. It will be better than high school," I thought about the day I was going to have.
I brought him to his classroom ignoring the stares. I was used to them by now. I met his teacher, telling her why I brought him. After getting him settled and finally got him to meet someone to talk to. He is more shy than I am.
I got back in my car and sat in the car listening to Crown the Empire. I finished my make-up, then drove to school.
When I got to school, I kept my head down, got my schedule, and walked to my homeroom. I stuck my earphones in and pressed shuffle. I had a good 20 minutes before class started. I started drawing and putting lyrics down.
As the bell rang, students rushed through the doors and I sighed know I was going to get stared at. I had the seat in the back next to a window.
"Hi," a male voice spoke next to me. I turned to see a guy, pretty tall, black hair that was falling over his eyes, and a nose ring.
"Hi?" I answered him confused. Someone actually had an interest in me?
"I'm Danny," he said smiling. His teeth were straight, perfectly straight.
"I'm Aaralyn," I replied, looking at him.
I noticed he was staring at me and I blushed feeling embarrassed.
"What?" I asked self-consciously.
"Your eyes," he said, "they're so blue."
"Oh, yeah. Thanks for noticing."
"What's your schedule?" He asked, hinting for a friendship, I could feel it. I politely gave him the schedule the office gave me.
"It looks like we have everything except Math together," he sounded... Excited?
"Yeah," I said. Was I smiling?
"You two in the back! Quiet!" The teacher yelled at us. I looked up terrified. I knew that everybody would be staring at me. I have bad anxiety problems. I can't be in front of people and talk, I can't be in groups of people bigger than 6, and I can't be around the popular people.
I looked down at my paper where I had unconsciously drawn the Crown the Empire album cover.
I felt a piece of paper hit my arm and looked up to see if anyone was turning around. I didn't see anyone so I opened the paper that was folded not very well.
It read:
  Look up and to your right. That's me. Wait for me after class. I need to tell you something.
I looked for the person who wrote it. I saw the all too familiar hair of him. Justin.
The bell rang and a went to rush out the door but was pulled back by a familiar force.
"Oh no you don't sweetheart," his painfully familiar voice said.
I managed to squeak out one word, "what?"
"Your turning into a freak. What happened to your old self?"
"I didn't like being a cheerleader. I didn't like being the 'girl who fucked the quarter back,' or the slut because you and some guys on the team thought it was funny to have sex with me when y'all drugged me."
He looked at me and his expressions changed from jock to pissed.
"Bitch, I didn't drug you or nothin'. You wanted to be fucked by us. You little whore," he threw me to the ground and walked out the door.
I got up slowly and walked to my next class crying silently. I knew nobody cared. I was invisible. I walked into my English III class, and sat in the back corner. My teacher knew me well. I don't like to talk, I don't like attention, but I love to write.
"Okay class, for today all you have to write is a summary of your summer. No cursing and nothing inappropriate. I will be reading these for a grade," she lectured.
I looked over to my left and saw Danny. I subconsciously pulled on my lip-ring thinking about him. No, no I can't like him can I? No, he's just a friend. Right?
I started writing my summary, but as always, it turned into an Essay. My handwriting was as neat as possible. I mean I thought is was alright.
"How do you write so perfect?" I heard Stephanie whisper.
I rolled my eyes and answered her for the 3rd year in a row, "This thing called practice." I heard a guy laugh to himself and looked up. He was staring at me. I quickly looked down and went back to writing my paper. I was the first person to turn it in so I started drawing the Black Veil Brides logo on my English binder.
Finally, the bell rang and I packed my English stuff into my bag. Science and History went by fast.
At lunch, me and Danny found a spot by a tree, in the shade, away from everybody.
"You have anything you don't like in your bag?" He asked.
"Peanut butter and Jelly. My sister will never learn." I laughed.
"Your sister packs your lunches?"
"Yeah. I have to get my little brother, Eden, and myself ready for school and then bring him to school and then get myself to school and then go pick him up."
"Why can't your parents do that?" He asked. I knew he didn't know, but I still hate when people ask.
I shifted uncomfortably, "Well um, four years ago, they were killed. An 18 wheeler ran them off  a bridge." I looked down, I was more comfortable saying it now, but I didn't like it.
"Oh, I didn't mean to bring that up. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, you didn't know. It's fine."
We talked about the rest of the day and he ended up walking me home. Raegan texted she picked Eden up.
"Do you want to come in? I can get you a drink or a snack," I invited him in, "or do homework."
"Sure let me just call my brother real quick."
I got us some fruit and water and put it on my night stand.
"Hope you don't mind it's just quieter in my room," I said.
"No I don't mind," he smiled at me. God that smile. No stop I don't like him. Do I?

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