• chapter 1 •

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F/n - friend name

~*Your pov*~

It had been 9 years since scott moved away.
You were 16 now, and in high school.

Scott wasnt the only one who had left. Vincent and mike left as well. Jeremy was the only one who had stayed with you, considering the fact that he is your brother.

((Oh did i not mention then.....whoops XD))

he really broke down when mike left. Mike was his best friend....he couldnt belive he was gone. Hes not even the same person he used to be anymore, hes much more quiet and anti-social.

You were the same too, but it didnt affect you that bad.
You sighed as you looked at jeremy, sitting at his table, alone. You felt bad for him, but you couldnt do anything.

You then felt both of your shoulders being grabbed. Supprised, you turned around, only to see your friend f/n giggling.
You lightly slapped her.

"Did i scare you~"

"Oh shush"

She giggled once again


You sighed

"Its okay...just dont do it again"

They nodded

"so, what did you need to get my attention for anyway?"

"Well i heard there was gonna be a new student, he's coming tomorrow~"


"Yes~ you need to be the first to talk to him, you need a boyfriend"

"But what if–"

"Stop complaining~ just go with it"

"Okay.....im trusting you"


You sighed and facepalmed.


You were walking home with jeremy. It was starting to get dark, both of you didnt really talk. You didnt feel it was nessesarry, jeremy rarely ever talked anymore. Your house was right across from you guys. Jeremy walked over but you saw a very familliar figure in the distance.

"I-is that–"

"..........y/n....dads gonna get mad at us"

You nodded and went inside of the house.


Call Me Back ~ Scott X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now