• prologue •

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Y/n - your name

~Your pov~

It was a beautiful summer day, you and your friends Mike, Jeremy, Vincent, and Scott were at the park. It was jeremy's birthday....he was turning 7 years old. Although, he still was younger than the others.

You were 7..and a half
Vincent was 9
Mike was 8
And scott was also 8.

It was the middle of the party, close to the end.
Mike, scott, and vincent were hanging out with jeremy. You, however, were on the swings. You then saw scott walking up to you. You liked scott alot....you've had a crush on him ever since you first met him. Whenever he was around, you would flush up and you would stutter alot.

"Hey Y/n!"

You looked and him, blushing lightly.

"Oh...h-hey scott.."

".......i......i have some bad news"

Your stomach cherned....you didnt like where this was going

"What do you mean..?"

((0-0 its raining....the tree is about to hit the window))

"Well..........i might not be able to see you for a long time.."


"Im moving and well......i....i-i might not come back...im sorry"

Your heart sank as tears filled your eyes...

"B-but.....scott no"

A cry slipped out. You then heard thunder..as it began to rain, kind of hard.
There then was a call out for scott to go to his mother. He looked back, and them at you.

"I......im sorry"

He then started to walk to his mom.
You didnt know what to do.

"S-scott wait!!"

He looked back. You ran to him and hugged him tightly.
He hugged back as another cry slipped out.


You were finally gonna tell him what you've wanted to tell him.


But you were too afraid

"Ill miss you.."

"Ill miss you too"

You then heard his mom call his name again. He sighed and let go of you.



He then walked away...slowly fading away.


Call Me Back ~ Scott X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now