Preparations and Change of Plans

Start from the beginning


Varonwe leaned back in the chair - which was really too small for the tall Dúnadan -, satisfied with the amount of food he had devoured. The tales about Hobbit food hadn't been wrong; Bilbo Baggins was an excellent cook. They were sitting outside in the garden of Bag End. The furniture were a bit too small for the Dúnedain, but they would manage. Varonwe looked at Aragorn who had eaten even more than his cousin. He looked a bit nauseous and Ayleen saw it too.

"I told you to go easy on that pie, brother," she said and before Aragorn could stop himself, he burped loudly.

"Aragorn!" she exclaimed and slapped his shoulder, while Varonwe laughed, just as Bilbo did.

"No, it's quite alright, milady. It means it tasted good and that's a compliment to the cook."

Aragorn smirked but still apologized when he noticed his sister's expression. Bilbo wanted to answer something but suddenly they were surrounded by three other Hobbits.

"Did somebody say... pie?"

Bilbo chuckled. "I knew that wouldn't go by unheard. Let me grab some empty chairs for you." He stood up from his chair and walked away.

Aragorn observed the three Hobbits, it was already getting dark but he would recognize the curly hair of the two male Hobbits everywhere; Merry and Pippin. But he didn't knew who the other one was. He hadn't seen her before. He greeted them with a smile.

"Merry, Pippin. Long time no see, but who's this lovely lady?"

Merry gave him a strange look. "That's my sister: Esmerelda."

Her curly brown hair bounced around when she took a few steps forward to shake Aragorn's hand. "Hi. Now, where's that pie?" Her eye fell upon the pie standing in the middle of the table. She took place on Bilbo's empty seat and cut herself a piece of it.

She was already eating it - while ignoring the looks of the three Dúnedain who looked at her in curiosity - when Bilbo came back with three empty chairs.

"Esmerelda," he said with a disapproving voice when he noticed she had her mouth stuffed with pie.

"What? I was hungry and this pie looked delicous," she answered with a shrug.

"And that while you already had diner and dessert," Merry added with a chuckle.

"I had one, yes, but this is the second one."

Bilbo set the chairs down and Merry and Pippin took place around the table. Biblo offered his guests some Old Toby but Ayleen passed. She didn't really liked smoking, but Aragorn and Varonwe happily filled their pipes with it and started to puff out circles of smoke which faded away in the night sky.

"I didn't know you were visiting, Aragorn, with er... them." Pippin didn't know who his companions were.

"My sister Ayleen, and my cousin Varonwe," he pointed at them and continued to smoke.

"How long are you staying?" Merry asked no one in particular.

"Not long, we're leaving tomorrow morning." Ayleen answered for the two men who were too busy to answer.

Esmerelda had finished her pie and joined the conversation. "Where are you going?"

"To Rivendell, and after that to Greenwood."

Esmerelda bit her lip, she wished she could join them on their journey. She had always wanted to travel through Middle Earth. To see a bit more of the world. But then... why couldn't she? Her face lit up by that thought. She could try, right?

"Can I join you?"

Merry quickly fixated his look back on his sister. "What? Are you crazy?"

She shrugged. "Why can't I join them? You," she pointed at Bilbo who slightly raised an eyebrow, "you left the Shire with thirteen dwarfs you didn't even know. And you two," she pointed at her brother and cousin,"accompanied Frodo on his way to Mordor."

"And got captured," Pippin said.

"Indeed. It's not safe, Es," Merry argued.

Esmerelda crossed her arms stubbornly. "Are you three carrying the One Ring?"

"Uhm, no," Varonwe answered with a slight smile.

"Are you three about to reclaim a long lost homeland?"


"See, completely safe," Esmerelda smirked. "They're just going to visit some Elven cities. Why can't I join them?"

Bilbo, Merry and Pippin didn't know what to answer on that, and they yielded.

"Fine, but only if they agree and if I can come with you," Merry added. "I'm not going to let you go by yourself."

Ayleen, Varonwe and Aragorn crossed eyes and just shrugged. They didn't had any reason to reject that, they were sure that if they were about to encounter some danger, they would be able to defend them.

"You can come," Aragorn said and Esmerelda fist-bumped the air.


"Ey! But then I am coming too!" Pippin quickly said when he realized he would be left behind.

"Sure thing, Pip. We'll need people of intelligence on this sort of... mission... quest... thing."

Pippin snorted and stuck out his tongue to Aragorn. "That's not funny. I didn't know where we were going. But now I do."

Aragorn chuckled and shook his head. A peaceful silence fell between them and Esmerelda couldn't believe it. She was finally going on an adventure!!


Characters introduced in this chapter:

ieatalotofbooks as Norin

- LiviaUndomiel99 as Livianna

- MonsterCupcake61176 as Esmerelda


A/N: Only two characters to go! Who both will be introduced next chapter :)

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, even though there isn't really happening something (yet), hahaha

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