Chapter 4

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Montefalconi, Italy


      The next morning, after Giuseppe and Giovanni had finished their chores at home and at Maria’s father’s farm, the two brothers borrowed a few lanterns and ropes and ventured back out to the mysterious cavern. Surprisingly, when they returned home last night, their mother just assumed they were working late and didn’t bother chewing them out; Giuseppe felt a little guilty about lying to here, even if it was through omission. To soothe his conscience, he made sure that if they find treasure he would buy something really nice for her.

      When they got to the hill they found out that the opening had collapsed even more, widening the space and allowing them to squeeze through with little effort. Giovanni, wise in the ways of ropes from his work as a horse tender, tied the two lengths to the largest boulder beneath the opening.

      “See, Giuseppe?” Giovanni said pointing to the knots. “You tie if off down here, that way our weight doesn’t dislodge it and trap us inside.”

      “I know that! I’m not a child, brother.” But Giuseppe was feeling foolish for not thinking of it first.

      “Sure you do, now wrap those oil lamps in the cloth we brought so they won’t break if you drop them.”  Truth be told, Giovanni always did have better common sense, Giuseppe was what the old people called book smart.

      “Should I turn the flame up on them?”

      “Not unless you want to burn alive if you land on them.”

      The sun was already high in the sky and it was making the two men sweat. Giovanni wrapped the rope around his brother’s waist, and took in the slack so that he could lower Giuseppe slowly. The other brother got close to the black hole in the ground, like a giant mouth opening skyward, readying itself to swallow him whole.

      Giuseppe lost his breath for a moment and felt his feet get cold. “Are you okay little brother?” Gio called out from behind.

      “Si, the sun must have gotten to me. The sooner we are inside, the better.” He didn’t want to admit he was afraid. The fear that Giovanni would quit and walk away if he admitted he was afraid was more frightening than the cave.

      “Va Benne, I’m going to lower you down. We you touch the bottom let me know, then turn on the lantern.”

      The rope creaked softly as Giovanni pulled it tight and Giuseppe climbed down feet first into the cave. Cool air engulfed him almost immediately and would have made him shiver if it didn’t so wonderful. Sunlight trickled in from the opening and lit up the entrance, shining in one large, well-rounded circle on the ground. That’s where Giuseppe touched down at and felt the rope go slack.

      “Okay!” He called up. “I’m down, and turning on the lanterns!”

      “Si!” Was the response he got back. A few seconds later, Giovanni’s shoes then legs slid across the threshold. He lowered himself down on a separate line, then took the lantern that Giuseppe held ready for him. “My god…”

      “Si, brother.”

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