I looked back at her face and saw her smiling slightly, but still sleeping.

I grinned as a slight blush went across my face.

"Erghh" I heard something growl.

I looked down at my stomach and sweat-dropped.

'I'm starving..'

I looked around and saw (Y/N)'s bag.

I grinned and grabbed her bag.

"I wonder if she still carries snacks in here.." I said as I looked through her bag.

'Before the Tenrou thing happened, Dovey would always keep snacks in her bag for me.'

"Aha! Jackpot!" I said loudly as I found a whole bunch of snacks.

'Chips, candy, drinks! She has everything!'

As I grabbed a bag of chips, a note was on the back.

"What the.." I said as I took off the note and began to read it.

'Hey Pinkie, so since you're probably reading this, I'm guessing you found my stash of junk food. So before you begin to eat all of this, yes, I've still kept this stash. This food is mostly for you. BUT IF YOU DARE EAT MY (Favorite snack), I WILL INJURE YOU VERY BADLY. Ahem, as I was saying. Feel free to eat all of this. I'll restock this the next time I go to the store. Have fun eating all of this, (Y/N) or as you call me, Dovey.'

I chuckled and shook my head as I placed the note back into her bag.

'Time to eat!'


(3rd PoV)

"Natsu, we're back!" Happy said as he threw open the door, but was then shushed by Lucy.

Natsu was currently sleeping with his upper body on (Y/N)'s bed, while he was still sitting in the chair.

Everyone glanced at each other as they smiled.

Lucy walked over to Natsu and tapped his shoulder, "Hey Natsu, wake up."

Natsu groaned as he mumbled, "Five more minutes."

"But Natsu, they're about to announce who going to compete for the tag battles!" Happy said as he flew next to Natsu.

Natsu groaned again as he opened his eyes and slowly sat up.

"Did you bring me my food, buddy?" He immediately asked.

Happy slowly nodded as Gray rolled his eyes.

"You could say that. He ate some of it." Gray said.

"Happy!" Natsu exclaimed, but then slapped a hand over his mouth as he glanced at (Y/N).

"I'm sorry, but it was really good!" Happy said as he opened up his small bag and took out a take-out container with the name 'NATSU' written on the top.

Happy set it down on the small table next to (Y/N)'s bed as he grinned nervously.

"Natsu, you can eat that later. Right now, we have to go hear who is competing in the tag battle." Erza said sternly.

Natsu nodded as he looked at Porlyusica, who nodded, meaning that she would stay in the infirmary with (Y/N).


"Now the tag team that will be fighting against Sting and Rogue, from Sabertooth, will be...


Natsu and Gajeel from Team Fairy Tail!*"

Natsu frowned but then grinned as he and Gajeel jumped into the arena.

"You ready to beat some ass, Fire-Feet?" Gajeel asked.

"Hell yeah!" Natsu replied.


"Those two aren't doing too good.." Laxus said as he looked at the lacrima screens, which projected the fight that was happening deep down in a hole that was created.

"I don't understand how they're losing to them." Gray said.

"We just need to have fate in them. They are dragon slayers." Erza said.

"Hey Flame-For-Brains, stop screwing around and beat them already! What would (Y/N) say if she saw that you were losing to these guys?!" Gray yelled.

"What did you call me, Ice-Princess-" Natsu began, but was hit by Sting.

Gray rolled his eyes as he mumbled a few words.

Everyone watched as Sting and Rogue hit Natsu, causing him to go flying and hit the ground.

"Natsu!" All of Fairy Tail exclaimed.

"He's not getting up." Laxus said.

"Come on Natsu. You have to get up.." Gray mumbled.

Just then, a blur went past Gray, Erza, Laxus, who were all standing at the entry of their balcony place.

"What was that?"Gray asked.

"Look." Laxus said as he pointed at the edge of the balcony.

The three of them chuckled and shook their heads.

"Hey Natsu, what the hell do you think you're doing?"


Team Fairy Tail* = I forgot to mention that they combined Team Fairy Tail A and B. So now Team Fairy Tail is Laxus, Gajeel, Natsu, Erza, and Gray, just like in the anime.

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