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At 6.05 Tia looked at the time and nearly gasped, she had a feeling if she didn't leave work now, she'd be there all night. She saved what she was working on, before shutting down her computer. She was cleaning her desk when the door to Nicholas' office slid open and the man himself stood there, a confused look on his face. 

"Oh Tia. I didn't realise you were still here." His stormy eyes tracked her movements as she placed things in her bag.
"I didn't realize the time." She muttered, shouldering the bag and holding her new phone in her hand. She stared at the computer, making sure it was completely shut down before she looked up at Nicholas. He gave her a wide smile, one she tentatively returned.
"Well, I have that dinner meeting as you reminded me, I'll walk with you to our cars." He held out his arm in a gesture for her to go first, which stepped past, leading the way towards the elevators that would take them to the underground carpark.
"You did some good work today. You seemed to fall on your feet for a new job." Nicholas commented.
"Thank you." She smiled, proud of herself, facing straight ahead as she walked through the clear glass door that Nicholas held open for her. He caught her infectious grin and felt one of his own spread across his face, happiness at hers. It was also the first real smile he'd seen from her and it completely lit up her face. He decided then that he wanted to see her smile more, and he wanted to be the cause.

Tia stood in the elevator, moving to the side so Nicholas had enough room to enter as well. The man was huge and big and his presence was suffocating. She breathed through her nose, his cologne entering her mind and immediately shutting down any thoughts other than him. Out of the corner of her eye she watched him, unaware he was doing the same as she switched to breathing through her mouth, any attempt to break the lust fueled hold he had on her. She ached to run her fingers down his hard chest that was undoubtedly ridged with muscles, a finger that was then to be followed by her tongue. Instead, she clasped her hands together in front of her, her fingers tightly intertwined so that the skin began to turn white. They rode in silence until the elevator dinged and the doors slid open to reveal a brightly lit car-park. Tias shoes clicked against the grey cement beneath as they walked towards their cars, Tia slightly ashamed of the state her 2000 Toyota was in, in comparison to the gleaming black Maserati next to it. She beeped the rundown fob for the doors to unlock before holding her head high and walking to the drivers door, carefully ignoring Nicholas. She didn't know why she cared so much about what he thought, especially as she'd only met him today and it was always going to obvious she didn't have the same sort of wealth that he did.
"Goodnight Mr Hale." She looked at him over the roof of his car, before ducking into her own. Quickly peeling out of her spot and making her escape, looking back in her mirror to see him still standing in front of his door, his suit jacket tucked in his arm as he watched her leave, a thoughtful look on his chiseled face. Tia just shook her head and rolled down the window, let the fresh air clear her mind as she exited the underground carpark and her eyes adjusted to the fading sun.

She cranked the stereo, singing along to the pop song that the radio played, feeling the excitement from having a new job wash over her. It had been a pretty good day, she thought and she was excited to continue on. The work kept her busy and interested and it was different to working in the diner or even for the old arsehole she'd done a 6 month stint for. Plus her agreed wage meant she would be able to save more, or spend more, or really do whatever she wanted with it. It was more than a liveable wage and that thought alone was enough to make her giddy. It was only a 20 minute drive and she pulled into her driveway just as the last licks of sunlight touched before disappearing before the horizon. As she headed inside, she felt herself relax, the stress from the day dropping off her shoulders, the smell of home doing more to soothe her soul than any massage could.

She was sitting, cross-legged on the sofa, her fork half raised to her lips when her new phone beeped, notifying her of a text message. Her heart hammered in her chest as she saw Nicholas' name on the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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