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Tia smoothed down the black skirt that hugged her hips, breathing deeply to expel the nerves. She looked in the mirror, attempting to touch up her make-up, even though she couldn't find anything wrong with it. She had spent the majority of her night surfing YouTube videos, attempting to perfect her make-up application. The light grey blouse was tight around her body, clinging to the curves that had somehow matured over the years, usually hidden behind baggy clothing.

Her skirt was high-waisted with a thin glossy belt holding it above the tucked in blouse, the capped sleeves and backing of which was a darker grey lace. She had splurged on herself whilst buying the clothes for the new job, getting something special. Thin black tights encased her legs and her feet were tucked into a pair of shiny black Mary Jane heels. Her red hair was braided into a messy bun, delicate strands placed artfully around her face, wisps tickling her cheek every time she moved her head. She looked at the clock near her silver fridge and froze; she was going to be late unless she left now.

She scooped her bag from the sofa as she ran out the front door, flicking the lock as she passed before smoothly sliding into the seat of her car, the same one her parents had bought just before passing away; feeling luck had been on her side when they had been driving the old one. In some ways, she was thankful that her parents had recently refurbished their house before dying, it meant she wasn't living in a broken down mess, but it also meant that they didn't have a lot of money when they died, which maybe would have been a tad more useful. Whilst her thoughts on the matter were a tad callous, she had come to terms with her parents death years ago and learnt that death was as unavoidable as getting a cold during winter. It was what those left remaining, did with their lives that mattered.

On the drive to her new office, she remembered her interview. She didn't even know who she was going to be working for, having been interviewed by his very pregnant PA who was nearly bursting at the seams.

"He's on holiday for another two weeks, so unfortunately he's not going to be able to have the final say on who he will be working with. Personally though, I think you're perfect and I cannot stay another two weeks in case you're not, I am literally about to give birth. You start in on the 21st. I will have detailed lists and all of the accessories that come with the job. Fair word of warning, you're working for a tyrant now, oh and a tyrant that works all hours of the day. Trust me; you'll be begging me to come back just so you can have a break." The girl had said, rubbing her bulging belly the whole time. She was so big she couldn't fit into anything other than mumu's, and no matter how much you tried, you just couldn't make those look professional enough. Tia had just nodded and grinned though, thanking the PA profusely before taking off to go shopping and hand in her resignation at the diner.

Tia parked her car in the spot that had her name plate, biting back the squeals of excitement. The car next to hers was grand, expensive and a blatant show of money. It was a sleek black Maserati, the luxurious car just screaming of wealth. Tia tried not to drool, she had never seen anything as expensive before in her life and her excitement skyrocketed. Beeping the locks on her own vehicle she walked through the underground parking lot to the awaiting lift, trying not to jump either with nerves or excitement.

The lift dinged, and she rose up at a fast rate, her heart beating with each level she soared past, all the way to the top. The metal doors slid open, revealing the interior of a brightly lit office building, its walls replaced with windows so that you could see the entire city below. Tia felt the same sense of awe as she had at her interview, her mind unable to process that she was so high up, and not on top of the world, but if she looked to the left, all she could see was buildings even higher than the one she was standing in.

Tia stepped out of the elevator, her heel sinking slightly into the sea of beige carpet. She tightened her grasp around the handles of her bag, smiling politely at the interested stares while she walked towards the area she had had the interview, her mind remembering the email she had studied last night. A huge desk was tucked into the corner of the wide hall she had been walking down, the top of it cleaner than when she had been in the first time. A big box sat in the middle of the desk, as well as a few trays stacked along the edges. A bright white piece of paper sat on the box, black writing standing out against the stark pale.

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