►▸ Oneshot 3 ◂◄

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"I can't sleep."


Staring at something for too long eventually gets boring and boredom could lead to sleep right? Wrong. You've been staring at the wooden ceiling of the tree house Pan made especially for you for who knows how long, hoping to fall asleep.

You tried counting sheep even though you didn't fully understand how it would help you and your insomnia. You tried everything in your knowledge to fall asleep but nothing worked.

I need a cuddle, and with that thought in mind, you kicked your blankets off, sat up, and stretched. You reached for your shoes and put them on. A cool breeze suddenly made you remember that you slept in some loose pants and a sleeveless shirt. You grabbed your jacket on your way out to the small balcony of your tree house and climbed down. 

Looking up at the stars, you quickly found what you considered as the easiest constellation to find, Orion's belt. You smiled up at the stars and started humming your favorite song on your way to your boyfriend's tent.

As you approached the center of camp, evidence of last night's party could be found anywhere you looked. The bonfire had long been put out. Lost Boys who were too tired or lazy to head back to their tents were scattered everywhere. You silently maneuvered your way towards Pan's tent, careful not to wake any of the boys up. You didn't know the exact time because time was kind of nonexistent in Neverland.

Once you were in front of Pan's tent, you pulled the opening back and went inside without a second thought. It was darker inside and the moon was providing little to no light inside the tent. You waited a few seconds for your eyes to get used to the dark. Pan's back was facing towards you. You tiptoed towards his bed and sat on the edge. 

"Peter," you whispered. He stirred a little bit but didn't wake up.

"Peter," you said a little louder, shaking his shoulders a little this time. His eyes fluttered open.

The green eyed boy groaned and faced you. 

"Why are you up, love?" He rubbed his eye with one hand and placed the other on your back, pulling you close.

"I can't sleep," you whispered. He stared at you for a few seconds and chuckled while shaking his head. Pan held his arms out.

"Come here, darling," he cooed. You blushed but complied after taking your shoes off. You lay down beside him and arms immediately wrap around your smaller form.

"I'm not a baby..." you grumbled while placing your hands on his broad shoulders.

"You sure act like one," he nuzzled his head on the crook of your neck. You pouted.

"I know you're pouting, (Name)," he chuckled. You kept quiet.

"Don't be like that," he placed a hand on you waist, pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. "I love you."

You couldn't help but smile. "I love you, too."

He kissed your cheek and placed one on your lips. "Go to sleep, love."


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