The Accident

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"Ah yes," Janice said, stirring the batter some more, "gonna make some fine-ass pancakes right here." Making sure not to spill the mix too much, Janice poured it into a tin pan and spread it evenly around it.

The liquid covered the whole area of the pan in a blob shape. "Now that doesn't seem fuckin' right, does it Black Sabbath?" she asked her cat. Black Sabbath made a gurgling noise as a response and flopped down on her back. Black Sabbath was disgusted by Janice's lack of pancake knowledge. Cause gah deh was this going to end messy.

"Oh well, just gonna slide this into the microwave." Janice said with a shrug. She tried fitting the pan in several times before giving up. It was simply just too big. So Janice poured the batter into a plastic bowl and popped it in the microwave. 15 minutes should be a good time to let it bake.

It was about 5 minutes into baking and instead of the kitchen being filled with sweet smells, it was filled with dark smoke. And Jude could smell it coming through the vents upstairs.

"What in the actually hell," Jude muttered to herself. She set down the magazine she was reading and sniffed the air some more. Smoke. Janice was cooking again. "I swear to goodness I am going to..."

Smoke alarms suddenly sounded throughout the small house causing Jude to groan and pull at the sides of her brown hair. She quickly grabbed a blanket to fan the smoke and ran down the stairs. Sliding on the hardwood a bit on her socks, she trudged through the thick cloud that coated the kitchen.

"Janice, Janice?!" Jude called out, fanning away the smoke.

"Judey?" she heard Janice cough.

Jude cringed at the nickname that had been used and continued to fan away the smoke. It cleared just enough so the scene at hand could be revealed. And boy was it awful. Everything was coated in the gross, dark grime. Black Sabbath held a paw to her chest, heaving a fake, dramatic cough. And there stood Janice. She saw Jude and awkwardly waved while biting her lip nervously.

"Move out of the way." Jude whispered pointing to the area behind Janice.

Janice shook her head and pressed herself against the spot . "Nuh-uh."

"Now." Jude demanded, moving closer.

Janice took a deep gulp of air and finally moved reluctantly. Jude at last saw what Janice was covering up and gasped.

"You stupid douche canoe!" Jude seethed, "You broke my damned microwaved again!"

"I know, I know," Janice said reassuringly, "but at least now I know what not to do next time, eh?"

"Next time?! There won't be a next time with you around cooking!" Jude shouted, throwing her arms up and pacing.

"You're pacing again."Janice uttered.

"Am I reeeeally now?! I didn't notice! It's not like you just broke my microwave. I only use that to cook my fucking hot-pockets. Which I could totally go for right now. Oh wait, we don't have a fucking microwave!" Jude stopped pacing to yell.

Janice winced and scratched her head, thinking. "Say, why don't I go buy you some pre-baked hot-pockets and a new microwave?"

"I deserve those hot-pockets, and you're not touching the new microwave. Clear?"


"Good. Now let's get going so I can get them sooner." Jude said making sure to grab her keys. Janice reached to take them from her hand and Jude scowled at her. "You seriously think I'm going to let you drive my car after that?"

"Worth the try" Janice sighed, following Jude out the door and locking it behind them.

Stupid microwaves.

A/N: So hopefully that was remotely interesting and not terrible haha. All stories need a buildup, so the "woah" will come soon. It's now 3:30 am. Please comment and vote if you liked it. Thank you :)

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