~Before We Start This~

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Okay, guys, I've been a HUGE fan of The Little Vampire, the movie, since I was a little, little girl. I'd say I was about 6 or 7 maybe 8 when I first saw it. So what I would do, is I would go to my basement, keep in mind, I'm 14 now, I was very young. Well, story time, when I was little, my mom had a girlfriend wasn't the nicest of characters and to make myself feel better, I would go to our basement and spend the rest of the night there in a cold basement with a Walmart full of blankets and my nanny, which was a cat. I would curl up on the ratty couch and watch my VHS's. I know your probably thinking 'Wait, you were like a child, dumbass!'
I know, I know, it's hard to believe but, since I was sometimes neglected by my mothers,now, ex-girlfriend, I learned to do things on my own at a very young age! So, as I said, I had a TV, a VHS player, and a life's worth of 80's - 06 of VHS's! So what would I do? Spend my young life watching movies!! And my very favorite movie of all time was, you got it!

The Little Vampire!!

It was and still is my favorite movie, it's always spoken to me. And the not-so-main-character, Gregory~
Spoke to me so much, and I grew up to act like him, and dress like him! This was all unintentional though. Let me explain. I stopped watching it for a few years. Then, I started watching it again when I was mid-13 years old. Best decision of being 13!! And I realized, we are alike in many ways and I blush EVERY TIME I SEE HIM ON MY TV SCREEN!!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy if you even want to read! Ok here we go!
Btw, 1st chapter should be up by tonight/morning but I have a nosey little brother, we all know the kind! Haha! Again, catch ya' later!

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