Jordelia Part 4

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"Cordelia," Elias said, "Where have you been?"
Immediately, Cordelia let go of James' hand and stepped away from him. "James and I just went out for a walk father."
"I see. Well I have some news for you."
"Alright," she said hesitantly.
Elias looked at James, "You can go now."
"Right. Yes, I was just going sir," James said quickly and walked out side of the foyer. He hid behind a wall so that he could still hear their conversation. "Cordelia, I think it is time you marry," Elias said sternly.
"Yes. I was wanting to talk to you about marriage as well," she said brightly.
He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, I think you will be pleased to know that I have found you a husband. His name is John Verlac and you will marry him in a month."
Cordelia couldn't process any of his words in her mind, and when she did, she just stared at him. "No."
"Excuse me?"
"No. I'm not going to marry some man that I don't know and certainly someone that I don't love."
"You have no choice in the matter," he said and turned to leave.
"It's my life! I should have a choice! This is unfair father! I love James, he is the only man I will marry."
"I'm sorry Cordelia, but this has already been arranged. You will marry John Verlac a month from now and that is final." She watched him as her turned on his heel and left her in the foyer.
She ran out of the foyer in the direction that James went. When she turned the corner she ran into someone, she looked up and saw James looking down at her. Bursting into tears, she buried her head in his chest and sobbed. "I can't do it James," she choked out and he slid his arms around her to hold her," I can't and I won't. I love you too much to do that."
"Shh Delia," he stroked her hair gently, "Shh, we will figure something out." They stood there like that for a while. "We have to run away," she said suddenly, "It's the only way we can be together."
"James we have to. My father won't back down from this, you know how stubborn he is. Please James," she begged, "I can't get married to that man."
"Let's just stay here and figure something out. If we can't figure something out before the month is over then we can run away. Alright?"
She nodded and pulled away from him. "I am in need of sleep," she said, kissed him on the cheek and went to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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