Sometimes I feel like such a bad person for leaving everybody like that. I know I dropped a bomb on all of them when I left and I shouldn't have put my bro in that situation knowing that Cali had stuff going on with herself and her baby. Greg was supposed to be by her side, and she was supposed to be happy about her child and I distracted from all of that. I'ma make it up to everybody and the whole situation is gonna be better from here. 

I think I gotta set something up for all of us so I can apologize to them formally and make things right again. I can't just expect everything to be all good after that happened. I'm determined to be a better man for myself and for everyone else, Especially Alicia. 

Alicia P.O.V

"Can't you see how you just ruin everything you come in contact with?  After you got kicked out mom and dad got divorced. After being with Jay you hurt him so much that you pushed him to run away. Just because he's holding you now doesn't mean that you'll keep him. He's gonna run away again and you'll be all alone like you deserve! You're a horrible person."  My sister Averi said. 

"Stop! I'm not a bad person, I love Jay and he loves me. Dad's happy with or without mom. It's not my fault!!"  I said. I feel like I'm being tortured why is she saying these things to me. I know I'm not a bad person and I know they forgive me. 

"Just face it bitch, no one loves you so why are you still here? You should've killed yourself the first time, but you know it's not too late to try again. Think about it, you know you'll push Jay away again, then Cali and Greg. The only person you'll have left is Dad and of course you'll do something to push him away so why not die now before you do that?" She said, I became scared at this point. My own sister was trying to push me to kill myself, knowing I'm going through a lot right now. I won't do it. I refuse to let anyone dictate my life. 

"No, fuck you Averi, I am a good person I'm not killing myself!"  I told her sternly. I have too much to live for and I want to be here. 

All of a sudden I felt a pair of hands around my neck and I struggled to breathe. It was Averi choking me. "Stop I'm your sister!" I shouted as I continued to lose my breath. Why is she trying to kill me, I don't get it. I did nothing to her. I could feel myself loosing feeling. I continued to fight harder and harder until I couldn't fight any longer. 

I took my last breath and then.....

Jay P.O.V

"Alicia! Wake up ma, wake up!" I said as I shook her trying to wake her up. She was squirming and flailing her arms like she was having a nightmare. As soon as I got her to wake up she was gasping for air like she couldn't breathe. "What's going on baby girl? Tell me what's wrong..." I hoped she would tell. 

"My dream, Averi was trying to kill me, I died I felt it I.... my own sister tried to kill me. Why? I haven't talked to her in a year. I really can't breathe Jay." She said sounding winded "Please hold me, please" Shit she ain't have to tell me twice. 

"Alicia, listen to me. I don't know what happened in your dream and I don't expect you to tell me about it until you are ready. But I wanna get this off my chest. I love you so much and I'm sorry I left you like that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that you were gone from this world. I never want to hurt you again and I'ma do everything in my power to show you that. I know you been going through some things and I can promise you from today for the rest of my life that you'll never have to face anything alone as long as I'm alive. No matter what comes our way I know that I wouldn't wanna go through any of it without you. I really need you baby girl and when you trust me again I'll be here and I'm never looking back. You got my heart and I hope to have yours again one day. I'm all in Alicia and I'll give you every piece of me until I have no more left to give. You have my heart and I won't ever give it to no one else. I'll be here for you... for us until the end of time. Holding you right now makes me sure that I don't ever wanna lose you. I love you baby." 


Sorry it's so short and I'm so sorry about the delay. I had writers block for the longest and I just relocated to Ocoee, Florida. So first things first I need friends bruh! Lol, if you're between 18-20 and live close by then feel free to message me because I'm dying here. I like it though and I love the weather it's much different from Cleveland. 

Anyway I will try to get my act together and do more updates, it'll be much easier since I know where I'm going with this again. I am sorry again for the long ass delay but I am back and I'm inspired. As always if you have anything that you would like to see happen then let me know and I will try to incorporate in the book and of course I'll give the credit where it's due. Anything from scenes, or new characters, places where you want to see them travel to, ANYTHING! Thank you guys so much for sticking by me through my writers block. I appreciate you all so much.

-Monica <3

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