You Guys With Your Kid/s

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It was Aubrey and Rockhelle's 8th birthday celebratiom and both Reece's and your own family were around at your house and the classmates of your son and daughter's, celebrating.

 You were rushing around the kitchen, getting refills of drinks for several people when Reexe walked in holding your crying daughter, trying to comfort her by rubbing her back and kissing her head.
"Mummy!" She cried, reaching out to you.
"What's wrong, baby?" You asked, taking her from Reece as he walked across the kitchen, opening the cupboard. 
"She was playing with her friends and accidentally cut her knee" reecs said, getting a plaster out of the first aid kit. 
"Aw baby," You sighed, giving her a kiss and carrying her to the sink  and sitting her on the kitchen surface cleaning the cut with water.
Brad placed the plaster on her knee and smiled at her.
"All better now?" Brad asked, wiping her tears with his thumb.
"No, you need to kiss it better." Aubrey sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.
"Ah, I knew there was something missing!" Reece laughed, reaching down and kissing over the plaster. 
"And mummy." 
You did the same, then lifted her up off the kitchen surface. 
"You wanna go back and play now?" You asked and she nodded. "Yes mommy".. "Hey aubrey lets play now!" Her brother say
"You go, I'll finish the drinks." Reece smiled at you and to your dauther, giving you a kiss before you went outside and see your twin's playing with there class mate


"YN, where are Brookly and Bricky's uniforms?!" You heard Blake shout at your room
Today was your childs first day of school and while you were making there breakfast blake had the responsibility of making sure he gets dressed.
"At the Cabinet!" You shouted back, walking to the bottom of the stairs.
"None." blake said, still standing at the top. 
"Okay, hold on. Maybe at the other cabinet" You said, walking away and going to the other cabinet
"Yeah, its here!" You shouted and blake came to you and get it
"Thanks,hun!" Blake grinned, sitting down and putting the uniform of your kids
"I know how to put it dad" Brooklyn said
"Okey" then brooklyn dressed it
"Look at you, my handsome boy!" You smiled, seeing him in his new school uniform and starting to feel emotional.
"Okey hes handsome you said he's handsome but you didnt say im pretty" sai bricky and pout
"Ow this girl your pretty " you said
"You guy grown up so fast, where's my babies gone?"
Your two kids just smiled, before running to get and put there shoes on.
"Where's my bag?" brooklyn ask
"It's here baby," You said, picking there school bag from the floor and walking through to the kitchen to get there lunch bag to put in it.
"Thanks mummy," Your son and daughter said,
"Right, all ready?" blake asked as soon as your childs had there bags on. They nodded there head. 
"Before we go, we need to get a picture." You said, picking up your camera as your kids stood against the wall. You quickly snapped the picture, saving the moment of his first ever day at school.
"Okay, let's get going! We don't want you to be late, do we?" You smiled, grabbing your own jacket and following your childs and Blake to the car. 


You were waiting the result of pregnancy test, George, shared. You and georgehad been trying for a baby for two months now but had no luck. George was currently out at the studio so you had to do this one on your own this time. 
Suddenly the timer you had set on your phone beeped, you pressed 'OK' seeing that the time was at 00:00 again.Times up. 
You picked up the pregnancy test with shaky hands, afraid to look at it. You turned it over and saw the words 'Pregnant' written on it. You screamed with happiness, jumping up and quickly unlocking the bathroom door and running to your bedroom, where your phone ..quickly calling him.
You waited and waited but it kept ringing until it finally came to a voice mail. You hung up, not wanting to share the news through a voice mail. You went back to your contacts and rang reece. 
"Hello [Y/N]!" Reecr answered, almost on the first ring.
"Hey rercr, is george around? I tried to phone him earlier but it just went straight to voice mail..." You asked.
"Wow and here I was thinking that you were going to declare your undying love for me," reece joked, making you laugh and roll your eyes. 
"Funny one, reece. I'm serious though, it's important."
"Yeah, he's just finished recording the drum tracks... wait for a second." He said. You heard a lot of muttering in the background before reecr shouted george
"He's just coming, speak to you later Y/N." Reece said.
"Thank you reece, speak to you later." You replied before george came on the phone.
"Hey babe, what's wrong?" He asked, sounding worried.
"Nothing's wrong... george------- I'm pregnant." 
"You're what?!" 
"Oh my god, this is amazing. Can I tell the guys? Or do you think we should wait? Oh my god, I can't believe we're finally going to have our own baby. This is the best news ever." George speaking really fast. 
"Yes! You can tell the boys if you want! I know, I can't wait!" You had the biggest smile on your face.
"I'm gonna tell them right now, I love you so much Y/N I'll be home in half an hour." 
"Okay, I love you so much too, georgey. See you later." You said before hanging up.


Sorry i know ggeorge is kindly different^^

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