Move in with me - (Q/READER)

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3rd person PoV

Brian awoke to the sound of soft singing drifting down down the hall from the kitchen, rolling onto his back, yawning and stretching out his limbs to shake the sleep from his body. Sighing contently as he recalled the events of the previous day.

He had been so stupid and almost lost the love of his life. Never again he vowed, never again would he jeopardise what he had with (YN). His mind flashed back to the previous night, of how much (YN) had yelled, how her tears had slipped from her eyes and how every one that spilled shattered his heart a little more. He thought about how she sunk into him as he cautiously slipped into bed beside her last night, he thought about how safe he felt with her body pressed against his, he thought about how his skin felt pressed against hers, he knew he couldn't ever lose her. She was everything in his world.

Slowly throwing his legs over the side of the bed and slipping a pair of boxers over his legs he slowly made his way down the hallway towards the singing.

Stopping at the doorway to the kitchen, his heart beamed at the sight in front of him, there she was, wearing nothin but his light blue button down that stopped just a over her knees, swaying from side to side as she cooked over the stove, singing softly to whatever song the radio was playing.

This is exactly how it's supposed to be, Brian thought to himself. Slowing padding over to (YN) wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and placing a soft kiss to her temple.

"Move in with me" he blurted out, surprised at his own words.

"What ??" (YN) questioned turning in his arms to face him, shock clear on her face

"I want you to live with me (YN)" Brian spoke again this time sounding more sure of his words, but worry etched on his face at the fear of rejection.

"Brian..I can't" (YN) replied.

"I know I hurt you (YN). I know. But I promise you, I will never hurt you again. Waking up to you singing in the kitchen, wearing my clothes, cooking breakfast. Falling asleep with you wrapped up in my arms. It's exactly how it should be. You are where I'm supposed to be. I want to come home to you after work, I want you to come home to me with your problems, I want to spend holidays and days off with you in our home. Live with me (YN), move in with me please" Brian rushed out in fear that he'd chicken out and the words would escape him. Running his hand through his hair and letting out a shaky breath.

"Okay" (YN) spoke.

"Okay?" Brian questioned, bewildered, confused as though he didn't understand her answer.

"Yes Brian, I'll move in with you" she breathed again, walking to him and wrapping her arms around his neck pulling his face to meet her own and capturing his lips wth her own "of course I'll move in with you ya dope" she giggled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Sorry I know it's short. If anyone has any ideas of what 'first' or 'monumental relationship moment' should come next, don't hesitate to comment and let me know. (:

Brian Quinn (Q/Reader) - FIRSTS.Where stories live. Discover now