First Fight - (Q/Reader)

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Readers PoV

"Don't you dare come near me Brian" I screamed as pushed him away from me. "Don't you dare fucking touch me" I screamed tears pouring from my eyes. How could he do this, how could he let that happen.

Flash back to earlier that night

We had been out with his friends having a drink after he finished filming today, and one drink led to the next and we had all ended up a little worse for wear. I had left our table for 5 minutes to use the rest room and when I had come back I saw Brian at the bar, he wasn't alone however, there was a skinny blonde falling all over him, with her arms around his neck, the anger had bubbled inside of me, and just as I went to walk over to them I was stopped in my tracks as she leaned in and kissed him, it felt like time had stopped, red had fogged my eyes, it felt like I had been standing there for hours watching this horrible scene in front of me, Brian pulled away and turned, his eyes met mine and he instantly jumped up from his position and began to walk towards me, I turned and ran from the bar, jumped in the first cab I could find and went home, anger bubbling inside of me and tears streaming from my eyes, I got home just before another cab pulled up outside and Brian entered the house.

End of flashback

"(YN) listen to me, it's not what it looked like, she came on to me" Brian pleaded taking a step towards me, I put my hands up in front of me in order to hold him back "how could you fucking do that!" I screamed turning my face away, I could tell by the look on his eyes that he was sorry, that he was scared, he was regretful, but I couldn't just forgive him like that. He needed to know that he can't just go around doing whatever he wants. "(YN).. Please, it not what you think, I swear it's nothing. I love you, I only love you" he begged, defeat clear in his voice, I couldn't look at him, I knew the minute my eyes met his I'd forgive him and I wasn't ready for that. Not yet. "I can't do this right now Brian, I'm too mad at you, I need to think, I need space. Don't come near me" I sobbed through tears, as I turned to walk to the bedroom "don't leave me" I heard Q whisper as I disappeared down the hall and locked the door to the bedroom behind me. Laying on the bed and squeezing my eyes tightly shut, I lay there and cried and cried and cried.

What was I going to do.

Sorry for a short chapter, I'm kinda blocked for ideas on this story. I'm enjoying writing it but I'm blocked for ideas.

Brian Quinn (Q/Reader) - FIRSTS.Where stories live. Discover now