"It's only going to be a month Jake," I said.

"I know, but now that I've found you, I don't want to let you go," he said.

"You are the sweetest boyfriend ever," I said.

"Yes! You finally said it. I was wondering if you were ever going to come around to the idea of me being your boyfriend."

"It's just really weird, you know."


"Well, because you're famous for one," I said.

"So? I'm only human."

"I guess. But it's hard to switch you over in my head from movie star to boyfriend."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." He pulled me in close.

I liked the way that sounded, that I'd get used to it. I wondered if I ever really would. I couldn't imagine the paparazzi all of the time. And if I were going to continue dating Jake, I'd have to get used to it.

"I guess I'll have to," I said.

Jake laughed. "You don't sound all that excited about it."

"Well, would the paparazzi be your favorite thing in the world if you were me right now?"

"I guess you have a point there," he said. "I have to say, just one more time, that I am really sorry for all this."

"Jake, it's not your fault. You have to stop apologizing."

"I know. But the worst part is that it's probably not over for you. And that is definitely my fault."

"I'm a big girl. At least I know what to expect now."

After the party Jake took me home. We spent the entire night lying in each other's arms. I was already packed, so I didn't have that to worry about, but I drifted in and out of sleep anyway. I was completely excited, and I couldn't stop my mind from moving at warp speed. But I was also worried about what I would encounter in Europe, not to mention wondering if Jake would still feel the same about me after a month apart. Then I was thinking about my mother, wondering if she would ever speak to me again, and I honestly couldn't figure out if that would be a good thing or a bad thing.

When the alarm went off in the morning, I was still tired and felt like I had grown several new wrinkles overnight with all the worrying and stressing.

"Good morning," Jake said, rolling over onto his stomach. The blankets slid away from the top half of his body and I spent more time than I should have admiring the way he looked, naked in my bed.

"So, um, don't you have to like, jet off to Europe or something," he finally said.

"Yeah, I just wanted to remember you like this."

"I'll see you in a month and I can pretty much guarantee you're going to be seeing me like this again."

I let out a little sigh and reluctantly dragged my butt out of bed and into the shower.

Jake drove me to the airport with a couple of paparazzi cars tailing behind his sports car.

"This aught to give them something to talk about for a while," Jake said. "Taking you to the airport after spending the night. Just imagine what scenarios they're going to come up with."

I rolled my eyes. "Probably something about me leaving you to go hook up with some European boy toy."

"Wow, you came up with that one pretty quick," he said, smiling.

"Well, you know, it's been on my mind. I'm sure I'm going to find someone much better than one of the top movie stars in the world, you know, because I think I should date at least three famous gazillionaires in my lifetime."

"Okay, stop it. You're starting to scare me."

I laughed.

"Well, you are going to Europe to spend a whole bunch of time with someone famous," he reminded me.

"It's probably a woman, or some old man or something. I'm sure it's going to be horribly boring."

"I can't believe they still haven't told you who it is."

"Well, I do have this top secret envelope that I assume has that information, but I'm not allowed to open it until I leave the states."

His eyes grew wide. "You do? And you haven't opened it? I would never be able to stop myself from ripping into it."

"I know. I am so tempted. But then I get worried that I'll get fired from the job or something," I said shrugging. "It'll only be another couple hours and then I'll know."

"Oh sure, you'll know, but I'll be stuck here waiting and wondering."

"I'm sure you'll survive."

We pulled up to the airport and parked. Jake came in with me.

"You don't have to wait, you know," I said.

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm going to wait with you. I want to spend as much time as possible with you before you go."

I smiled. "Thanks."

As we walked in, hand in hand, the paparazzi cars pulled up and the photographers were fighting to get to us as fast as they could. We continued to walk, pretending not to notice them, although it was a little more difficult once the flashes started.

Finally, Jake smiled and gave the cameras a little wave. I took his cue and smiled along. A few of Jake's fans came running up, three teenaged girls and one super cute little old lady wanting an autograph for her granddaughter. The three girls even knew who I was and, I'm sure just out of courtesy, they asked for my autograph too.

Several minutes later, I cleared customs and Jake was free to go, since he wasn't allowed past security. We tried not to, but there was absolutely no privacy, so we gave the press a little something to run in tomorrow's paper when Jake kissed me goodbye.

"See you in a month," he said as he walked away, his hand lingering on mine for a few seconds.

I nodded to him. I was surprised that I had to fight back a tear or two.

I continued past security and off to the waiting area.

The waiting proved to be a lot more difficult that I had expected. The corner of the confidential envelope was peeking out, just a little, from my bag. I tried not to think about it. I got up for a coffee. I took a trip to the bathroom. I chatted a little with the lady sitting next to me. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally called my flight number.

I jumped up, first in line, and I headed down the narrow hall to board my plane, the envelope clutched tightly in my hand.

Check out more of Josie's misadventures in the next installment of the McMaster the Disaster series, available now wherever ebooks are sold! (Amazon, iTunes, etc.)

Gamble on Engagement

Book 2 in the McMaster the Disaster series, complete with all new Disaster Diary entries.

Josie McMaster is on the move to London for a top-secret stint as a ghost-biographer for a high profile celebrity. It's her dream job; she's got a beautiful place to stay in the English countryside, full access to the celebrity, and three months to complete the best ghostwritten autobiography anyone has ever seen.

In true McMaster the Disaster fashion, Josie tumbles headfirst into scandal, apparently thought of as more than just an average ghostwriter in the eyes of this new celebrity. Not to mention she has never written a biography, but... how hard could it really be?

Of course, the paparazzi is not helping matters, constantly publicizing the 'when will Jake Hall pop the question' betting pool, which is completely ridiculous considering she and Jake have only been dating a short while...

... or is it?

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