"That's what I'm here for girl," Mattie said. "Don't you remember how good you felt the other times when I got you all dressed up?"

"I guess."

"Well, that's what we're going to do. You'll kill them with your fabulousness."

"I guess," I said, sighing.

"Good. Now let's go find you something to wear." He got up and started towards the hallway.

"And Mattie," I said.

He turned back to me.

"That's not all you're here for you know."

He smiled and nodded once. "I know."

# # #

I took several deep breaths as I held on to the stair handle for dear life. Even though Mattie made me look just as good as he promised he would, I was still scared to my very soul over all the things that people must be thinking about me.

"Don't worry," Mattie said and pried my fingers off the rail. "You look great. The cameras will love you."

"I don't know Mattie..."

"Shush," he interrupted. "Just fake it. Pretend like you're Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. You know that scene where Richard Gere keeps telling her she's very tall. Just smile and look fabulous. That's all you have to do. Smile and look fabulous."

"Okay," I said, but my voice was very quiet.

"You can do this," Mattie said.

"I can do this," I said. My voice was starting to get a little stronger.

"You can do this!"

"I can do this," I said, firmly this time.

Mattie grabbed me and we walked arm and arm out the door. Our pace was fast. Determined. I put my sunglasses on and smiled at the cameras. I was surprised that there were so many, about five or six still hanging around.

Boy, this city must be hard up for news, I thought.

"Josie, over here!" one photographer called.

I turned directly to him and flashed my best smile. Mattie and I continued down the street where he hailed a cab.

"Oh my God," I said once we were safely inside the cab. "That was so scary."

"You did great!"

"I'm so glad we get to go hide in a dark movie theatre for a while," I said.

"That's exactly why I suggested it, honey."

I had to admit, it felt good to be out. I hadn't really been holed up that long, but I was still beginning to feel a little claustrophobic in my apartment.

We chose to see a good old romantic comedy, which is my favorite genre, and Mattie's. It was quite fitting with what was going on in my life too, the heroine getting caught in a couple of embarrassing situations.

"Well, that made me feel better," I said, as Mattie and I walked out of the movie. "She was almost as much of a social moron as I am."

"Absolutely. See, it's not so bad," he said. "I'm actually kind of surprised that you made the front page of the entertainment section."

"Hey now, I'm newsworthy aren't I?" I said and lightly pushed him.

He raised one eyebrow. "I don't know about that," he said.

I pushed him harder this time.

"Hey, watch it," he yelled as he regained his balance. He looked around and sighed. "Where are the cameras when you need them? I could make millions with a picture of you assaulting me."

Bridesmaid Lotto (USA Today bestselling author)Where stories live. Discover now