"Well, not a wife really. Although I was being serious when I said I wanted to settle down. My life is insane. I'd like to just hang out and relax for a while. The only thing is, when there's no one there to relax with, it's just kind of boring."

I smiled and nodded.

"So your mother? She must be something," he said.

"You would not believe," I said.

"Oh, you might be surprised. You should see my mother. The only reason I'm even an actor is because she pushed me so hard."


"Yeah, she was totally one of those stage mothers that mouthed my lines along with me from backstage. She carted me from audition to audition when I was a kid."

"Wow. That must have been interesting."

He shrugged. "Not really. It was actually pretty boring. The same kids would be at pretty much every audition, which means the same mothers would be there too." He rolled his eyes. "I think it had very little to do with the actual acting, it was more like the mother's being in some sick little competition with each other."

"Hmmm." I didn't know what else to say.

"But I guess I did learn a lot about acting in those years."

I nodded.

"So what about your mother? Is she as meddling as mine?"

"Well, she did sign me up to be a Bridesmaid for a complete stranger, hoping to land me a man."

He chuckled.

"My sister lives in the 'burbs with her perfect husband and two perfect kids. I guess that's what she wants for me too, although I'm not actually sure that my sister is all that happy out there."

"Yeah. I can't picture living in the suburbs, a bunch of kids running around, and trying to keep up with the neighbors," he said. Then he changed to a feminine voice, "Oh honey, the Wilson's redid the kitchen, perhaps we should remodel too?"

I started laughing. "The Johnson's got a new SUV, let's get a Hummer."

"Right," he said laughing with me. "Exactly."

Jake pulled the car off the freeway.

"Are we going to the airport?" I asked noticing which off ramp we were taking.

"Yeah. You're not afraid of flying are you?"

"No, but I am a little surprised."

He laughed. Apparently my face showed the fact it was more like I was completely freaked out. What the hell? Was I being abducted? Although it is Jake Hall, would it really matter?

"Don't worry, I'll have you home by midnight," he said smiling.

"We're going to the airport and you think you'll have me home by midnight?" I asked.

"Why, do you turn into a pumpkin or something?"

I chuckled. "No, but taking an airplane does not really seem like an 'I'll have you home by midnight sort of thing.'"

"Don't worry, it's a short flight."

Oh my God. I'm going to be alone on a plane with Jake Hall. Wait a minute! I'm already alone in a car with Jake Hall. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.

"Here we are," he said pulling up to a small private plane.

"I've never been in a plane like this before," I said.

Bridesmaid Lotto (USA Today bestselling author)Where stories live. Discover now