Chapter Thirteen

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***Andy's P•O•V***

After waiting for so long, a doctor finally came out. He stood in front of everyone and said "Good news Mr.Biersack, your baby and your wife are okay and they are gonna be okay. But, your wife's heart rate is very low. We got her heart rate up just enough. If you decide to take her home tomorrow or the day after depending on her heart rate, she's gonna have to be on bed rest for 6-7 days." The doctor explained

A rush of relief went through my body. "Can we see her?" I asked.
"Only two of you at a time. She might fall asleep, like I said her heart rate is low. Sleep will help." The doctor said. Everyone just let me go in.

"Hey Andy. We're all going home now that we know everything is okay. See you soon and good luck" Ella said.

I nodded and walked into Ashley's room. Before I said anything else I told her to calm down and that I needed to explain myself.

"At least give me the chance to explain myself babe" I begged her.

"Okay. Go on. Explain" she said with a very groggy voice.

I sat next to her. "Julie is my crazy ass ex girlfriend. She wanted to get back with me and I refused so she did what she did to piss you off, obviously so I could be with her. Thing is I don't want her. I want you and I love only you." I explained to her as I showed her the text messages to prove to her that I wasn't cheating. "This is still no excuse why I lied to you. I should've told you but I was scared you'd be stressed and hurt the baby which in the end happened anyway" I added. She started to tear up. I handed her ring and asked her to put it back on.

"Look Andy I believe you about what happened but the point is, is that you still lied to me. You didn't even try once to explain to me till now. I don't feel like I can wear this ring right now. I'm sorry" she told me. I held her hand and put my head down. "Whenever you're ready." I told her.

"Oh. Shit. It totally slipped my mind" she said still with a groggy voice.

"What?" I asked.

"Have you seen the nursery Ella and Sammi put together for us, it's beautiful." She said.

"No. No I haven't but speaking of the nursery. Let me ask the doctor if we can see her" I told her.

"It's a girl?!" She asked.

"Yes " I said.

She smiled.

I went and asked the doctor and I came back into the room holding our beautiful baby girl. The nurse was following me making sure we were handling him the correct way.

I put the baby in her arms. She started to tear up.

"Can you believe we did this?" She said

"It's amazing. I know. What should we name him?" I asked.

"I have two names on my mind. Andrea and Denise." She said.

I love how she incorporated my name.

"I love the name Andrea." I said.

"Andrea it is" she said with the hugest smile on her face.

"When can I go home?" Ashley asked me.

"When you're healthy enough. Possibly tomorrow. Possibly in a few days." I replied.

"No. I feel better. I wanna go home" she said.

"I'm sorry babe. You can't" I replied.

***Ashley's P•O•V***

That word. Babe. I hated that he called me that after what has been going on lately.

I wanted to go home so badly. But I can't I'm not "healthy enough".

"Well. I'm aloud to take the baby home tomorrow. Jake wants to spend time with you. So. I will be back to pick you up in 2 days" he said.

"Okay" I shrugged. I knew I couldn't win this time if i decided to argue.

"I'll give you guys some time" Andy said as he walked out the door.

He reached the door and said wait. "Did you wanna use formula to feed the baby or....." Andy said awkwardly.

"I don't believe in formula. Breast feeding" I said. I just got straight to the point. I didn't feel like playing some awkward game till he got the hint.

He chuckled and said okay and walked out the door.

***Andy's P•O•V***

I walked out the door and called jake. "Hey man. She's okay with you staying with her until she's out." "Okay. Be there tomorrow. Hang in there bro" he said. I said okay and hung up.

I walked back into Ashley's room and sat in the chair next to her hospital bed. She was still rocking Andrea in her hands.

I fell asleep watching her.

--the next day--

I woke up and saw Ashley asleep. Andrea was gone. One of the nurses must've taken her. I saw jake walk in and I greeted him. "I'll take her home in a few days. Have fun with Andrea" Jake said. I laughed. "Oh. I will. Take care of my Ashley" I said. "Don't worry. We will be fine" he said as I walked out the door.

I went to go pick up Andrea and I left. I was very gentle with driving home. She was so tiny and I couldn't live with myself if I'd do something to hurt her.

I drove home carrying her ever so gently I walked her into the house.

Sammi and Ella were waiting at the door.

"Oh. My. God. She is so beautiful. Can I hold her?!" Sammi asked me.

"Me next?" Ella asked.

I giggled. "Sure you guys, be gently with her." I replied.

I put Andrea in Sammi's arms.

"She has the prettiest green eyes" Sammi said.

"She has Ashley's eyes" I replied missing my her so much.

Sammi handed Andrea to Ella. "What's her name?!" Ella said.

"Andrea we haven't decided what her last name will be yet. That won't be a problem when I pur-" I cut myself off.

"What?!" Ella said.

"Shit" I replied

"Oh my goodness. This is so exciting." Sammi said.

"Shhhh. Please don't tell anyone yet. I'm going to get her ring tomorrow. Can you watch Andrea tomorrow?" I asked the girls.

"Of course!" They said.

"Please don't tell anyone!" I begged.

They agreed not to tell anyone and I took Andrea back into my arms. I made her formula. She had to have formula until Ashley got home.

I just realized something. Andy, Andrea, and Ashley. Haha. All of our names started with an A.

That's pretty rad. I took Andreas formula and walked to the nursery Ashley was walking about and sat in the chair next to Andreas crib.

I fed her, her bottle and rocked her to sleep. When she fell asleep I laid her gently in her crib and turned on the baby monitor.

I took the other baby monitor turned it on and took it upstairs to my room. I took off my shirt and my pants leaving me in my boxers. I laid in bed and set the baby monitor on the night stand and thought....

What if Ashley says no. What if she doesn't forgive me for what happened. What if she doesn't want to move in with me.

I can't afford to think like that. I better make one hell of a speech when I ask her. I will wait a little bit longer... I have the perfect idea...

Hey Guys, I'm sorry if I'm going a little too fast paced. I'm still progressing on my writing wether it's obvious or not.

I still hope you guys are enjoying this!

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