I cleaned up the bed full of food and laid down next to her. "Is anything wrong babe?" I asked. She cleared her throat and put her head down. "Nothing" she said. "I can tell when something's wrong ash" I told her. "Whose Julie?" She asked.

My jaw dropped. How did she know about my ex?! I cleared my throat and acted like nothing was wrong. "No one. Just one of my managers" I told her. She didn't quite buy the excuse but it was good enough to get me past the night.

When Ashley fell asleep I looked through my messages.


Me: how the hell did you get my number.

Julie: I have my ways. Don't you miss babe ;)

Me: we are over!!! I have a girlfriend, a pregnant girlfriend. Move on. Clearly I did.

Julie: just wait. We will be together again.

Me: no Julie!! Why should we get back together?! So you can cheat on me all over again! Fuck that. I'm done with you!!

~~~~~end of conversation~~~~~

After I sent the message to Julie I laid next to Ashley and held her right with my hand over her stomach. "I love you, I love you both so much" I whispered while moving my hand around her belly. Soon after I fell asleep.

--the next day--

***Andy's P•O•V***

When I woke up Ashley was just waking up as well. I sat up in bed while she rested her head on my thigh.

"Hey. Ashley?" I said.

"What's up babe?" She asked.

"I've been thinking lately and I think we should move into a house together. I mean youre 7 months and 2 weeks pregnant I think its time.Only if you're ready" I said.

She sat up. "I would love too" she said.

"But if we can. I wanna have a close near by here just in case." She added.

"Of course. Okay. We will have to break the news to everyone soon." I told her.

"After I hop out the shower we can go house hunting today." I said.

She nodded and I went to hop in the shower.

***Ashley's P•O•V***

While Andy was in the shower I was eating and watching tv on the bed. Then I heard Andy's phone go off. It was Julie again. If its one of his managers it might be important maybe I could take a message.

I picked up the phone and said "Andy's phone can I take a message?"

"You must be Ashley?" Julie asked.

"Yes Andy's still in the shower. Do you want me to take a message?" I asked.

"Yes. Please tell him I said thank you for last night and ask him to call me so we can reschedule for tonight." She said.

My heart completely sank.

"I sure will" I said as I hung up.

I was so frustrated. When Andy walked out of the bathroom he had only a towel on. I was standing by the window seal waiting for him. I was clinching his phone in my Hand.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked.

"Well. Your "manager" Julie called. She wanted me to thank you for last night you asshole." I said as I threw his phone at him.

"Calm down babe. It's not what you think!" Andy said.

"Not what I think. I think everything is pretty self explanatory. You're cheating on me with some slut. How could you do this to us?! To our baby?! The worst part is, is that you knew this whole entire time. You lie to me. So much for your damn promise ring" I screamed.

"Fuck this. I don't need this right now!" I added as I threw his promise ring at him.

I ran down stairs and the whole gang was there watching tv. Jake sprung up and asked me to slow down. "Get the fuck out of my way." I said as I pushed him out of my way.

Andy ran downstairs behind me. Before he got the chance to catch me I was already out the door.

I drove to the nearest hotel and when I got into my room I laid in the bed and started to cry. I knew who I needed right now. I called Sammi and asked her to bring me some clothes and to take Ella with her.

When they got to the hotel I began to explain to them what happened when my stomach began to hurt really badly. I held my stomach and began to scream.

"AAAHHH!! Ella. Sammi. It hurts so badly!" I said crying out so loud breathing heavily.

They carried me into the car and Ella sat in the back seat with me trying to keep me calm. We rushed to the ER.

"Hang in there baby girl. Breathe. We're almost there hun" Sammi said.

When we finally got there they rushed me inside and the next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed. Once again. The pain kept getting worse and worse. The doctors were starting to hook me up to stuff when I saw Andy walk in. My heart rate went up even higher.

"The baby is coming now. Like right now. We need you to push Ms. Reed." the doctor said. "But we need you to calm down. You're already affecting the baby. If your heart rate keeps going up it might cause more pressure on the baby" he added.

I ignored Andy and I began to push. They let one person in to try and help me calm down. It was Jake. That did help me calm down. With Jakes hand in one of mine and Andy's hand in the other I began to push harder and began to scream.

"You're almost there Ash" I heard Jake say.

"A few more pushes babe" I heard Andy say.

A few pushes later the next thing I knew the baby was out. Then everything got blurry. I passed out.

***Andy's P•O•V***

When the baby was finally out I looked at Ashley and her eyes were closed. They took out the baby to get it cleaned up. I still didn't know the sex of the baby.

I was too distracted by Ashley to ask.

The doctor escorted us out and told us we needed to wait. I was so worried. The whole gang was in the waiting room. I sat with them and waited. A little while after a nurse came out and I asked her what had happened. The nurse told me Ashley had stopped breathing and they are working on reviving her!!

Is this my fault?! Is everything happening to fast? I walked up to the nurse. Is the baby okay? Please just tell me the baby is still okay.

"Well. The baby was a few weeks early due to too much stress to your wife. They are working on the baby. It's a girl by the way. They are working on keeping you're baby girl healthy." The nurse explained to me.

I totally just collapsed to the ground. It's all my fault. I was moving too fast. I should've told Ashley about Julie. Everything was going so well until I messed it all up. I started to think to myself. Jake and CC walked up to me and started to pat me on the back. "Dude don't cry. Everything will be fine" CC said as they both walked me over to the rest of the gang.

We all sat and waited.... and waited.... and waited......


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