Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV

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Hannah's POV.

"You little shit I'll kill you!" Jade yelled, I jolted awake and hid under my bed. Jade is my sister. She's usually here and she's awesome. But sometimes we get into fights but not very often.

"You little shit bag I know your in here!" She yelled as she flung my door open. I saw her smirk and walk to the end of the bed. I saw her walk off then I thought she was in my closet. Oh I was wrong. I felt a pair of hands grab my legs and pull me from under the bed. I squealed when she grabbed me and started pulling me. She turns me over and straddled my waist pinning me down.

"Don't hurt me sis.. Please." I asked using my puppy eyes. She laughed.
"You little shit. You took the last cup of pudding." She said letting go of me and crossing her arms still straddling me.
"This is a weird position." I said blushing slightly.
"It would be a weird position if we weren't so close." Jade said smiling.
"True. But still, I gotta get ready for school. So get off of me fat ass." I teased. We insult each other a lot but we always know the other is joking.
"Sure thing zit head." Jade said getting off of me and walking out of my room closing the door.

I got up and walked to my closet and grabbed a blue flannel, black skinny jeans, and my crimson red high top vans. I threw everything on and went to grab my glasses. I grabbed my black wide rimmed glasses and put them on smiling as I can see everything so much clearer. I walked to the bathroom and did my business. I groaned as I saw it was my monthly trip to Satan's waterfall. I sighed changed my underwear and put on a pad walking to the bathroom again. I had a bathroom connected to my room so I had my own bathroom, so did my sister. I brushed my long brown hair and put it into a messy pony tail. I stared into my light blue eyes and sighed.

I walked downstairs grabbing my backpack, phone, and charger on the way out. I saw my sister downstairs on her phone In just her bra and underwear. "Put some clothes on you slut." I teased. She glared at me playfully.
"Why. Are you scared your gonna get a boner." She said stuck my her tongue out at me.
"Hey.. That's gross. I may be gay but your not my type, and I don't have a dick you dingus" I said. Jade pouted. I rolled my eyes and I grabbed a banana from the counter. I quickly ate it then grabbed my headphones.

"Bye sis!" I called out as I grabbed my sweater and opened the door. I walked out closing the door just as the bus pulled up.

"Hannah wait!" My sister yelled. I was half way into the bus door, yet there was my sister in her bra and underwear running towards me. We heard a few whistles on the bus from the guys. I rolled my eyes as she made it to me. "You forgot your lunch money." She said smiling. My sister is two years older then me, taller, way prettier, she looks like a model. Her hair is dyed purple and has her nose pierced.
"You couldn't have Put some clothes on before you ran out here? Or let me starve?" I asked kinda embarrassed as all the guys whistled at her and looked at me up and down mentally comparing the two of us.

She looked up when she saw me look down at the ground. "Sorry Hannah..." She said sadly knowing that they'll tease me for this. "I'll go. Have a good day." She kisses my head and ran back off to the house. I sighed and walked on the bus with my head down as they shouted things to me.

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