sweet dreams part 3

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Elijah took elana to a small italian resturant on the out skirts of mystic falls they sat next to eachother Elijah sat very close to elana he put his arm around her she blushed again, a waiter aproached them the mans eyes roamed over elana elijah noticed and didnt like he glared at him,
"Uh what can i get for u he asked looking at Elijah? "A bottle of sweet red wine and two pesto ravoil plates please, "ill have that out in a jiff he said he rushed off,
"The nerve of that man how date he eye u in such an inappropriate manner, "elana giggled, "im glad one of us finds humor in this said elijah, "im sorry i wasnt laughing at u its just ive never had a man be jealous or protective of me before, "i wasnt quite jealous i was simply protective of my lady,
"Oh elana said blushing well i like it she said scooting close to Elijah, he saw the waiter looking at elana again, "we have an audience my dear, "elana saw the waiter staring at them, "lets give him a show then kiss me she said, his eyes met hers he looked at her lips then he leaned towards her and cupped her face and kissed her the kiss was passionate and possessive her arms went around his neck as they continued to kiss the waiter sat their plates and wine down they stopped kissing, "im not so hungry any more said elana, "i think perhaps we should take this dinner to go my dear, she nodded he got up and went and paid the check and the waiter came and boxed up their food and put it in a bag Elijah came back ge put out his hand to help her up she took it and he pulled her to her feet he grabbed the food she grabbed the wine he opened the door for her and they left elijah drove away and headed to mystic falls they stopped at a big house it was modern but lavish he parked in the driveway and got out he opened her door and she got out they went inside black tile covered the floor the walls were elegantly decorated with scenery portraits, "make yourself at home im going to put this food away she sat on the couch he came back with two glasses of wine he handed one to her she accepted it and began to drink she savored the sweet relaxing taste her body began to relax Elijah scooted closer to her her face was illuminated by the dim lighting of the room Elijahs eyes roamed over her his eyes darkened her sweet smelling perfume hit his nostrils he clenched his fist trying to regain control of his beast which was telling him to tear her clothes off and take her on the couch he felt a hand touch his face her face was close to his , "Elijah are u ok? she said, his lust darkened eyes stared at her red lips then his eyes met hers he closed the distance between them and his lips kissed hers he groaned into the kiss he could smell her arousal and his control slipped his face changed he pressed her into the couch she moaned softly his lips kissed her neck gently sucking and nipping at the flesh with his fangs she moaned again as his fangs scraped her neck,
"God u smell so good i want to take u right here and have my way with u i want to make u mine, "then do it she said softly,
"Those three words made him come undone he got up picked her up bridal style and sped to his bedroom he put her down and motioned for her to turn so he could unzip her dress he slowly unzipped her dress and slid it down her shoulders he exposed part of her black lacy bra he cupped her lace covered breast and trailed his thunb over her hard nipple she moaned as he kissed her bare shoulder he pulled the dress off her it fell to the floor he unhooked her bra he pulled her close so her back was against his chest he reached down the front of her panties and rubbed her ger wetness coated his fingers, "do i always excite u this much he said rubbing her? "Yyes she moaned, "tell me what u want my darling,
"Mmake love to me she wispered, he picked her up and layed her on the bed he got on top of her and kissed her again he sat up and dipped his head to suck her nipples he flicked his tongue on the hardened tips he licked between them he trailed his tongue down her stomach he kissed her hips he hooked her panties in his fingers and slid them off she sat up and un buttoned his shirt she slid it off his shoulders he tossed it aside she reached for his belt undid it then un did his pants, he shrugged them off then took off his black briefs, "um Elijah i wanted to tell u befoure we do this ive uh never been with anyone ever, "ah so your a maiden then no worries my dear i will be gentel, he kissed her again it was a demanding passionate kiss that made elana melt into him, "im going to make u feel so good your never going to want anyone else my lovely elana, he kissed her neck and trailed kisses down to her breasts his tongue flicked over the rosy tips her hips bucked because of the intense arousal he was giving her, "your mine elana forever his face changed elana touched his face she moved her head sideways he bent kissing her neck his fangs nicked and scraped her skin his hands gripped her hips and he slid into her she cried out at the pain he stayed still the pain went away and he began to move she arched her back in pleasure as he hit a sweet spot his fingers toyed with her nerves, she let out a scream, "he moved harder,"i love making u scream elana perhaps i will make u scream more,

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