Chapter 7 : Back to school

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Chapter 7

The next day...

Skylar POV

I came to Riker's house at 9:00, like he wanted me to. Ross opened the door, wearing his pajamas.

"Hi, Skylar!"

"Hey. Riker told me to come over."

"Oh. Come in."

Ross led me into the living room.

"Um... Where's Riker?"

Ross sat down on the couch. I sat next to him.

"He's actually... Well..."


"Our mom's giving him a bath right now."

I burst out laughing.

"What!? Isn't he like 16 or 17 years old?"

"Yeah, but she wanted to make sure none of his cuts were infected and stuff."

Ross started laughing too. We finally both calmed down after a minute.

"Don't tell him I laughed at him. I just think it's funny," I said.

"Rocky's been teasing him about it. He's pretty annoyed, and I know he's embarrassed."

I laughed.

"Yeah, but I understand what your mom was thinking. He got a lot of cuts and bruises and stuff."

"Yeah... You know, he really likes you."

"I know he does. And I really like him too."

"I'm glad. You're his first friend, and first girlfriend. I know you and him didn't exactly have a great start, but I'm glad things have worked out for you guys."

"Me too..."

Riker came downstairs, wearing pajamas and his glasses. His hair was all wet, but it was combed.

"Oh god, please tell me you didn't tell her," Riker said, staring at Ross.

"You mean that mom gave you a bath?" Ross asked.

Riker covered his hands with his face.


I was trying so hard not to laugh. Ross snuck out of the room. Riker sat down on the end of the couch, not looking at me.


"Before you say anything, I told him not to tell you! And I had no control over what my mom does! If she wants to do something, I have to obey! I don't like to get in trouble!"

I scooched over to him, and took his hand in mine.

"Riker, it's ok."

"Please don't tell anyone about that."

"I won't. Don't worry."

Riker looked at me. I put my hand up on his cheek, staring into his eyes.

"It's ok, Riker. Everyone's family embarrasses them sometimes."

"Yours doesn't."

"And do you know why? Because my parents are barely home, and they could care less about what I do. They just want money. They never wanted to have a kid. I was a mistake. And now they don't care about me. That's one of the reasons I love your family so much. It's what I wish I had."

"I never knew that about you."

"What? I have a sucky family situation?"


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