1 - hunger

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You hated killing, you hated causing people's pain. The only problem was that it needed to happen.

You needed to survive.

A rumble of hunger shot to your stomach.


You thought as you pulled your hood up. Maybe if you ran fast nobody would notice. Your eyes narrowed as they the White changed black and the pupil struck red, you searched the streets for a house with no lights on.

You usually killed while people were asleep as you hated seeing them in pain.

Your eyes widened as you saw one house, you ran toward the house and jumped onto the balcony. You tugged on the sliding glass door, the door slid open and you saw a woman and man laying in bed. They both were in a deep sleep, you slyly tiptoed over to the bed and took a pillow from the chair beside it. You placed the pillow on the woman's mouth and kneeled down, taking one big bite you swallowed the juicy blood and tasty flesh. The woman's eyes opened immediately as you wiped away the blood, "I'm sorry" you whispered then ran out the door sliding it shut again. You leaned against the door as you listend to the last cries of the woman and shouts of the man, you broke down in tears as you did with every human life you took. Your eyes turned back to the White behind you [e/c] orbs of light as you wiped away the blood dripping from your chin, the door began to slid open, you swiftly stood up and ran away as quick as possible.

You opened the door to your apartment as your hands shook crazily.

You flopped down onto your bed and cried, soon, you fell asleep.

"[y/n], I never heard you come home last night" you heard your housemate say, you sat up and looked at her, she knew you were a ghoul, she was one too.

"Oh...hey Pam..." You mumbled.

"Kill anyone last night? Was it fun?!" She said like a psychopath.

"How on earth can you like to kill them, I feel so bad!" You said.

"It's what we have to do, to stay alive its kill or be killed." she said plainly, you flung your feet of the bed and stood up.

"I just..... I don't want to be a ghoul... Its not right to kill" you admitted.

"yeah, I guess, oh well. have you got collage today?"

"no, but I'm gonna go find a coffee place, I'm parched!" You said.

"my friend used to go to a coffee shop some where around here, I cant remember the name......"

"which friend was that?"

"um... well when I say friend I mean I bumped into her while searching for food and we met up about once or twice..."

"oh ok, and you cant remember the coffee shop?"

"nope, sorry... oh well, I need to go meet up with some one... I'll see you later" Pam said then left, after you heard the door shut you decided to get changed. You grabbed a bottle and filled it with coffee, just in case you couldn't find a good coffee shop. After locking the door you headed out.

Pam: Anteiku 
you got a message from pam

you: what?
you replied with

Pam: that's the name of the coffee shop I was on about, Anteiku
she texted. You typed the name into your maps and looked at the pictures.

what a cute little place, and by its rating they must make great coffee!

you thought, you followed the directions on your phone and headed through the park. Suddenly some one shoved past your shoulder.

"HEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" you shout at the person. He smiled at you,

"oh sorry, my bad, I'm always bumping into people" He said with a smile.

"o-oh its ok" you said calming yourself down.

"You have pretty eyes!" He said happily as if he was drunk, but he didn't act drunk so he must have meant it.

"I...... thanks...... I like your hair" you said looking at his chin-high grey locks. "do you know where Anteiku is?" you asked the crazy male.

"I've been a couple of times, I can take you there if you want! They do AMAZING coffee!" He said.

"Actually I-" you were suddenly cut off by him grabbing your wrist and dragging you across the road.

"here we are! TA-DA!!" He shouted like a two-year-old. you both headed in and took a seat. "I just need the bathroom, give me a couple of minutes!" he said then left.

"hey, you a ghoul right? I can sense it on you!" a young girl whispered to you, she twirled her short brown hair inbetween her fingers. You too could  sense she was a ghoul. you nodded. "Don't yopu think its a little risky hanging out with a CCG investigator?" she said.

wait he's a CCG investigator!!??

you thought. "What's your name?" you asked wanting to know more about the girl.

"I'm Hinami, what about you?"

"My name is [Y/N]... how do you know he is a CCG investigator?" you said,

"I just know, you've never been here before, have you? you should come around more, if you haven't noticed yet, most of us are ghouls here!" she said.

"Hinami!" shouted a boy with short black hair and a white eye patch covering his left eye. {A/N, I liked his black hair so I'm going to base this when he had black hair ok!} Hinami turned to the boy and waved.

"Coming!" she shouted then ran over to the boy. At that exact time the boy, who had not told you his name yet, walked back over.

"back" he smiled.

"so.... what's you name then?" you asked casually.

"oh, where are my manners, I'm Suzuya Juuzou, just call me Juuzou though!"

"and I'm [Y/N]!" you said. he looked at you and smiled,

"Pretty name!"  he said, you felt yourself blush, just by him saying this you imminently guessed that he wasn't afraid to say what he wanted.

"y-yours is too" you said.

"It was nice to meet you [Y/N]! I best go! here have my number, if you ever want to talk to me just call... or text whatever you want!" he shouted quickly then left. He started running down the street, then he was out of sight.

I Can't Love A Ghoul (Juuzou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now