"Urgh I hoped you never saw it.. " I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"You act like I haven't stumbled upon one of it before !"

"That was once and no one told you and Dean to scare me !"

I recalled last Halloween and how they had put pumpkin heads on and Dean nudged me awake and the first thing I saw was his face lit up and not looking like Dean at all.

"We had to! Anyway back to the vibrator!"

"That's how I woke up.. I don't know he found it and it was on and it was so embarrassing!"

I laughed just picturing him sitting at the edge of the bed trying to figure it out.

"Well not that embarrassing that he didn't want to keep his lips off of you!" She teased and I shook my head.

"I think he likes you" she shrugged as she took a sip of her coffee.

"What makes you think that?" I tried hiding away the hope I had that he did.

"Well from what you told me his been following you around at every show and before that night had you bumped into him before?"I shook my head as she referred to my first encounter with him.

"But now all of a sudden you see him at every show? I have never seen him backstage when he wasn't needed for his segments.. Come on Nikki you know I'm right..."

"He thinks Dean's my boyfriend so it doesn't matter!" I set the cup down on the table as my tongue was still burning due to my first sip.

"I knew the plan was a bad idea and I could see in your eyes how upset you were when you told me that Dean had told him! Why did you go along with it?"

"Because I'm stupid.. I honestly don't know and now he's mad at me because he thinks I'm this bitch who bounces from one guy to the next when its not the case"

"We both know that's far from the truth. Look how long it took you to find John after Dolph.. I hope you didn't let whatever he said get to you?"

I shook my head even though I did a little.

"Are you ready for another relationship? Its only been a couple of months.."

"We're not talking about a relationship its just something.. Its different with him.. I can be a total bitch and he can handle it,  sure he's annoying sometimes but he's not John. I don't have the need to be perfect I can just be how I feel and even if we blow up one day, he's so bipolar that he'll be teasing me when I see him again.
I like the way he looks at me in amazement sometimes when I say things . Even though most of the time I say things I'm fucking scared he'll snap but I don't show it ... Well most of the time I don't.. He thinks I'm fearless and I like that he does cause it means he doesn't see me as just this woman he sees me as an equal and respects me.."

She smiled.

"I'm not making sense am I?"

"You're making perfect sense.. I was just thinking something"

She smirked and I knew very well she was getting ideas .

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'll tell you some other time , not now..but if that's the case that you fight all the time why are you so concerned now?"

"Because this fight was different if it hadn't been for the Dean thing I feel like he would have said something.." I reached for the coffee again and burnt my tongue yet again when Renee seemed unaffected by hers and I was annoyed.

"Like what?" She asked as she took a long sip while waiting for me.

"How is your tongue not fucking burning?" She swallowed quickly to prevent spilling as she laughed as she clearly wasn't expecting that.

Fearless In The Eyes Of A Beast // BROCKKI *COMPLETE*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon