Xiao Pai

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I had developed a strange way of speaking to others over the years, yet he had no trouble understanding me from the very first word I spoke. He often encouraged me to just relax and not worry so much about what others thought, but it was so hard to change. Still, I loved that he loved me just as I was, and even when he hardly knew me, he still wanted what was best for me, wanted me to be happy. And I couldn't help but be happy—not when I was with him, anyway.


"No no no no no!!" I cried, pressing my hands over my bright red cheeks to try to hide them from his eyes. "It seems that there has been a mistake!"

"A mistake?" he asked me, puzzled. "What mistake?"

I couldn't look at him, couldn't look into those lilac eyes of his. It was too easy to get lost in them, and I needed to be able to focus. Life always seemed full of traps and pitfalls and terrible accidents just waiting for my concentration to waver for even a second.

"I... I know I'm not at all pretty or cute. Surely you must be talking about my mama, who is both of these."

He laughed, and I looked up, surprised by the relief in his voice. Then he looked at me, his eyes so tender and affectionate, and I was lost.

"No, Xiao Pai, I didn't mean your mother. She's a nice lady, but I was definitely talking about you. Don't be so hard on yourself. You really are cute, and you look very pretty today."

I felt strangely lightheaded, or maybe giddy would be a better word. I had almost refused to go to the Beach Day celebration down at the lake, because I was too embarrassed to wear my swimsuit in front of everyone. All the other young women in town were, well, so much better developed than me. And then there was my very beautiful mama, which made it even worse. But as I stood there in my swimsuit before the mirror in my room, trying to work up the courage to go and almost certain I couldn't, Piers knocked on my door and stepped in. When he complimented me, I couldn't believe he meant it, that it wasn't a mistake—surely he'd been thinking of another girl, or of my mama. But it seems he wasn't, he really did mean me.

"So... may I walk you to the lake?" he asked, looking both confused and amused by my silence.

"Yes, please! It seems I am ready for Beach Day after all," I replied with a smile. And when he took my arm and pulled me along out the door after him, I realized... maybe I didn't have to be on my guard so much, not when I was with him, at least.

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