happy birthday to me.....

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'happy birthday to you happy birthday to you, happy birthday Mary happy birthday to you'  my family and friends surrounding me sing together. i cut the cake down the middle but as soon as the knife tapes the bottom a chorus of screams echo in the room 'haha you hit the plate' some people shout. i laugh with them hiding the fact I'm scared from all the shouting around me. the party had been going for about 2 hours and all that has happened is me opening all my gifts and people messing the house up. sighing i sitting under the stairs away from everyone no one seems to notice I'm gone so I'm sure they won't mind

"Mary where are you, we are bored?!" i hear someone shout "she left i think" i hear some one shout back. i squish myself further away from light so no one can see me. i heart few things getting thrown around through the wall and people shouting and screaming, completely ignoring my existence. mumbling to my self i sing "happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, no one really gives a damn, happy birthday to me" by the end of the song I'm crying tears rolling down my face. i close them, lie down then fall asleep.

[hey sorry this isn't really scary... i just wanted to upload some thing. also its my birthday so yay!!!! bye.]

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