Chapter 13; Run Rabbit Run

Start from the beginning

The killer, with frozen fingertips, slowly prised the knife from his thigh strap as he slipped slowly down the roof and below into the maze of alleyways, knowing he could pin the pair of you easily- the way a ravenous wolf track down and maims a deer.

He chuckled to himself quietly as he paced the narrow street, boots thudding off the cobbles with an ominous echo that bounced off the high walls of the houses.

"Here, here, Miss Frye..." He snarled, "you can't run forever."


The cobbles offered a dank shine as you tried to keep up with Evie's alarmingly urgent steps; feeling like a child who was more of a burden than a help.

Yet still you felt considerably safer with Evie than you had done going out alone.

"Where are we heading?" You asked quietly, fearful of breaking the silence. Evie did not remove her fixated orbs from the street ahead.

"The Brothel- I have some questions that need answering." Evie pressed with a morbid tone, and once again the pure malice of the situation struck you.

"Right where I want you." Came the same voice, the voice that made you shiver right through the centre of your spine the way in which chalk raked down a black board. You daren't turn to face him.

"Jack." Evie snapped, turning on her heels with speed, standing with her feet shoulder width apart and her hand hovering over the hilt of the Kukuri strapped to the side of her waist.

"Just like old Jacob, ay?" He taunted, taking a few nonchalant swinging steps towards the pair of you, as you finally encouraged yourself to turn slowly.

"Too bloody cowardly to just come and face me."

Evie made a surprising little smirk, her eyebrows quirking slightly.

"Being cowardly? My, Jack- isn't leaving messages through the slaughtering of innocents cowardly? How about you come and face me?" She snapped, met quickly with a booming laugh from the killer.

"Don't you see? This is why I'm here now!" He said, his tone dripping with excitement, "I want to rip you both up, pull out every blasted vital organ in your cavity-" he detailed with a grim tone that made you feel physically sick, "I'll make sure that bloody police wanker has a hard time identifying your fucking corpses-"

By this time his knife was bared outwards, his muscles tensed, and you could tell he was very much done with talking.

"(Name), run!" Evie shouted, pushing you towards an alleyway that junctioned off on the left; while she headed the other way.

Blinded by the fear and the blood pumping loudly in your ears, you couldn't think of anything els but primal thoughts of flight- you had to get away from Jack.

Houses lining the alleyway seemed to blur into one, before you ducked quickly behind a wall and pressed your back to the grimy bricks, trying to steady your breathing as you hadn't wanted to give yourself away.

How long had you been stood there? Seconds, minutes, hours?

Each breath was like a mad scramble to keep yourself quiet- but you were so afraid... You didn't know where Evie was.

Then came the footsteps, the slow and stalker like footfalls that told you it definitely was not your rescue.

"Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run..."

Never had you been so chilled to the core, so fear blindingly close to the sense of an extremely painful death.

The malevolently slow take on the classic nursery rhyme had you quaking at the knees, you were well and truly cornered.

"Come along now, Miss Bell..." He added with a raspy laugh.

Your (eye colour) eyes searched frantically for a way out, and you locked eyes with an adjacent smaller alleyway, but you weren't sure how to distract Jack's attention to sprint across unseen.

Feeling madly against the gritty wall behind you, your frozen and numb fingertips managed to break off the corner of a very weak brick, and with a thought of desperate hope you tossed it backwards, hearing the distant echoing clatter against the wet cobbles that made the leather booted footsteps cease.

"I have you now..." Followed suit, and you quickly but briefly congratulated your efforts in distracting Jack as you heard him walk the other way.

Quick as a doe fleeting through the forest, you took off towards that alleyway with little sound, and run, run, run you did.

All the way home....


A/N: spooky Jack and creepy nursery rhymes 10/10 spoop. Okay so we're getting closer to the end of this fic I can feel it, also I hope you don't think I'm basic because I've updated quite quickly... <3

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