Everything Has Changed.

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Aubrey's POV

Uni walked me back to the Trebles' house as we saw Beca, Chloe, Fat Amy and Stacie walking down the path. Uni dragged me into a bush.

"Ow!" I moaned as I got stung by stinging nettles.

"Sshhh!" Uni told me as he put his index finger against my lips. "Listen"

I heard Beca talking. "Well that didn't help!" She moaned as they walked in the direction of the quad.

"If you weren't cute I would have totally killed you for telling me to sshh!" I joked as I pushed him into a bush. He got up and chased me into the house to find Greg on the couch watching god knows what.

"Good guys you're back!" He exclaimed. "Beca and Fat Amy were interrogating me about you too!"

Uni and I exchanged looks. "Greg what did they ask you?" I asked him.

"Don't remember!" He slumped on the couch before he had a spoon of cinnamon. I cringed and looked at my phone, it was 2:30.

"Sorry I have to go and practice for the fall mixer which is at 4:00 tomorrow!" I told Uni and Greg.

"Ok, we'll be watching you!" Uni smiled before I dashed out of the house.

I got to the practice area at 2:45 15 minutes before the rest of the Bellas had to be here to practice. I looked at the piano and began tinkering with the keys. I began playing everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran.

Your eyes looked like coming home,

And everything has changed.

I played the last chord to a round of applause, I turned to see the rest of the Bellas stood by the door clapping. Lily stepped forwards.

"We didn't know you could play!" She said to me.

"Yeah, one of the many things I did to try and get my father to be proud of me." I sighed.

"Well instead of doing the set list we could do everything has changed using the piano," Jessica suggested. Followed by nods from the other Bellas.

"I don't know guys. I don't deal well with nerves" I tried to Get out of it but they wouldn't let me.

* next day 4pm*

"Guys are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked them as I was sitting behind the piano on the front steps of the Sigma Beta Feta Sorority house.

"Bree, you'll do great!" Denise and Ashley said at the same time.

I began playing the intro... Halfway through I looked to see Uni smiling at me. I smiled back and then I saw Beca, Chloe, Stacie and Patricia as everyone now calls her, I just glared at them. Once the song had finished I sat back in the chair I was sitting on and breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone (Except Beca, Chloe, Stacie and Patricia) was clapping. We walked off the stage and went back to our respective dorms. Uni came with me to what was now only my dorm.

"You were amazing out there!" He complimented me.

"Thanks" I replied.

"I have a reservation for a amazing restaurant and I was wondering if you'd be willing to accompany me?" He asked me, despite the fact that we both like each other he still can't seem to ask me a question without blushing!

"Uni, I'd love to!" I replied, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Amazing see you at 7!" He exclaimed as he ran out the room shouting. "I have a date!"

I opened my closet and decided on a Venus slim dress and nude heels.

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