Chapter 1

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" Ugh, I really have to go," I mentally moan as our tour guide leads us to another part of the city.

Don't get me wrong, I love seeing Paris and all it has to offer, but not currently as my bladder is about to burst. I slowly raise my hand in hopes of getting our guides attention. Sadly he's already moved on.

"Crap! what am I going to do now," I say aloud. I can ask Melanie if she'll cover for me!

" Mel, wait, hold up," I tap my friend on the shoulder and she twirls around.

" Tee...girl, not again," and her face shows frustration. " This is your third time going, what do you fill your water bottle with."

"Water," I retort back with a grin knowing she'll cover for me. I give her a slight nod in thanks and run back a little ways to a café down the street. I know this isn't incredibly safe but I figured I'm and expert as I ditch the tour often.

You see I made it appoint to learn French before this tour and stuck with that goal ever since 8th grade. Luckily for me my high school had a French class. I live in Burlington, Rhode Island by the way, so when I heard my class was having a Paris trip I jumped at the chance to go.


I finish my bathroom break and head out the café. Shoot, of course they left . That's alright Ill just ask. I approached an older looking man sitting close to where the tour had stopped and asked him politely " Excusez-moi , avez-vous vu où le grand groupe Américain est allé. (Excuse me, did you see where the large American group went).

The man smiles and points up the street "Ils sont allés directement et tourné à gauche." ( They went straight and turned left)

I smile and wave him goodbye with a simple " Merci."

So I headed down the little Parisian street and turned left. I just barley caught the tail end of them with Melanie trailing behind. Almost as if she knew I was far behind them she and turns with a worried face. Upon her seeing my figure she lights up and motions for me to hurry and they disappear around the corner.  Oh, I should probably catch them!

I start to walk fast down the street but hear a not so pleasant sound coming from a small alley right before the street. Me being curious I took a quick peak to see the commotion. This action I did was one I would regret for the rest of my life. To bad I didn't know it yet.


HEY, hope ya'll like the story so far!

*** super sorry it's short but I meant for this to be sort of an opener/ cliff hanger. I promise as we get deeper into the story the chapters will be longer and have more detail***

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~ E. Emeree

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