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"You'll be fine! Keep pushing!" Daisy,a cream-colored Labrador barked quietly. "It hurts..." Lena,a female German Shepard whined. A medium-sized male German Shepard puppy popped out. "That's one! Two more to go!" Daisy whispered. Lena smiled and pushed. Another male popped out much smaller than the first one. "Aww... Ok one more!" Daisy whimpered. Finally the last one came... A female German Shepard bigger than the second one and smaller than the first one. "Alright I'll go get Scar." Daisy whispers and pushed some herbs toward Lena. Daisy sent in a male German Shepard with a scar over his right eye. He set his eye(s) on them and smiled a smile of pure joy. "What are their names?" Scar asked. "Well the biggest one should be... Whirl because his fur has a black swirl." Lena whispered. "The smallest male puppy's name should be Ant." Scar whimpered and sniffed the small male pup. "The females name should be... Willow." Lena whispered, "because she has a long tail like a willow." Scar smiled and licked Lena's forehead happily. "There beautiful." He whispered. "They are." Lena replied. "So I hear new pups have been born." Snake,a black and white husky barked. "Yes,yes." Lena replied to her leader. "May I see?" He asked and walked toward her with his blue eyes glowing. "Of course!" Lena barked. Scar's tail wagged as he happily left. Snake looked at them and smiled. "I hope they'll be good guards or hunters." Lena smiled "They all have destinies...and I'm sure they'll be great."

A/N: That's Lena btw. Hope you liked this smol chappie. Bye.

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