Chapter 2 - Are You Okay?

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This chapter turned out a lot happier than I planned. I started off listening to Lana Del Rey, but I got into my Marina & The Diamonds section which made the chapter change. I'm nervous about posting this chapter, because a few parts are confusing; I understood them but I don't know if other people will. The chapter has sad and happy parts, so idk if it turned out okay. Plus, I didn't have time to edit. I've been out all day today, and I've written parts here and there. I'll edit tonight, in case something is spelt wrong or doesn't make sense.

Enough talking, readdd

Ashton had woken up late that day. He was up all night, due to insomnia. As soon as his head left the pillow, he felt out of it. His head started to ache as his eyes adjusted. He tried to shake it off, and he stood up. He yawned and entered the hallway, not even bothering to put a shirt on.

The hallway seemed to stretch on forever for the poor boy. After taking a few deep breaths, he made his way down the stairs and to the kitchen. When he got there, he saw a smashed bottle on the ground beside Michael, who was sitting at the table. Michael seemed to not even acknowledge the bottle.

"What happened?" Ashton questioned, startling an unfocused Michael. "O-oh, nothing... well obviously, something. It's just not my story to tell." Michael explained quietly. Ashton nodded silently, understanding. He assumed it was an issue with Luke, something had been off about him lately. He could of sworn he'd heard some sobs coming from Luke's room at ungodly hours.

"Where's Cal?" Ashton asked his bandmate. He didn't bother asking about Luke, because he assumed Michael wouldn't know the answer. Calum was the only one that Luke would open up to. He was even the only one who saw Luke for long periods of time. Luke might just come by the kitchen for a snack (lately, he's barely been eating and only drinking coffee), or come watch a 30 minute program on TV before disappearing. Ashton didn't want to admit, but he missed the company of his youngest bandmate.

"No idea." Michael turned back to whatever he was eating. Ashton could of sworn Michael muttered something under his breath, along the lines of "Probably sleeping with Luke." It made Ashton feel slightly paranoid, but he decided to shake it off and not question Michael.

He didn't understand why he was paranoid, though. What if Calum actually did sleep with Luke? Would Ashton be okay with that? For some reason, the thought made the curly haired boy jealous. He shook off the thought.

He decided to take the responsibility of being the oldest, and clean up the shards of glass. He got out a plastic bag, and carefully placed the large pieces into it. As he reached for piece under the table, he accidentally brushed up against the open bag, slicing his forearm.

"Fuck." He, groaned, an unpleasant stinging sensation running up his arm. He started to feel dizzy again as he saw the excessive amount of blood dripping onto his grey sweatpants.

"You okay down there, Ashton?" Michael's voice was distant in Ashton's spinning head. "I'm fine." Ashton lied through he teeth. The unfortunate curly haired lad felt like he was going to be sick to his stomach.

"Don't lie, Ashton. You look like you're going to hurl."

"Just a little dizzy from the sight of blood, that's all." Ashton reassured Michael while standing back up with the bag in his hand. He immediately regretted the decision and gripped the counter for support. "Here, I'll deal with the glass." Michael offered, gesturing for Ashton to hand over the bag. He placed it on the counter, careful not to get any of the blood that had stuck to the bag on the white marble. "Let's get you cleaned up."


"What's the point, Calum? He doesn't like me." Luke groaned, flopping back down onto his bed. His head was pounding from last night. Luckily, hangovers never were to bad for him, just a slight headache. He had passed out, and had woken up in the kitchen. Luke had been so lost in thoughts, that he forgot to clean up the glass from the bottle he'd dropped. He just left it and returned to bed. Michael and Calum had woken up and saw it, immediately questioning Luke. They forced him to explain, so he just said he had been drinking last night. He didn't give an explanation, but he knew Calum knew why. Calum was the only one who knew, and wanted to keep it that way. They had promised not to tell anyone, but the rest of the morning was awkward between the three. Luke was just glad that Ashton had slept in that day.

His attitude had much similarity to a teenage girl who had a crush on the most popular boy in school.

"Don't be such a downer, Luke. You never know, Ashton seems like he's pretty fucking good at hiding his emotions. I'm not going to do that cliché thing where I lock you two in a closet, but I have to do something to get you guys together." Luke was barely listening to his friend, he was busy daydreaming about Ashton. "Everything about him is perfect..." Luke said aloud without realizing.

"Are you even listening, dickhead?" Calum was getting annoyed. "Sorry, sorry. I'm listening now, Cal." Calum sighed before continuing. "I was just saying how I need a plan to get you and Ashton together. I can't stand seeing you so miserable. Besides, the sexual tension between you guys when you're in the same room is almost painful. Anyways, it can't be too cliché... I was thinking that maybe -"

"Stop, Calum. There's not a chance that you'll be forcing me and Ashton together. He doesn't love me, Calum. Get that through your head. I got it through mine months ago." Luke lowered his head and wrapped his arms around his knees. It was actually physically painful to look at Ashton, knowing that the boy of his dreams would never love him back.

"Whatever, Luke. You're being so stressful. I even offered to try to get you and Ashton together, but screw that. If you're not going to let me, the only person you'll open up to, help you, then you're on your own. I don't want to be part of your pity party anymore, so get someone else to listen to your sob stories." In one swift movement, Calum got up off of Luke's bed. He left the room without another word.

Luke sighed heavily, tears welling in his eyes. 'What a surprise', he thought to himself. 'I fucked up and I'm alone again.'


After cleaning up Ashton's damaged arm, Michael wrapped it up and stuck him in bed. Ashton didn't argue with Michael, and barely spoke as Michael ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Sleep tight, Ash. I'm gonna go shopping with the other boys, we need food and I can pick up some medicine for you. Call me if you need anything, babe." Ashton nodded, silently thanking Michael for his help. He kissed the older boy's forehead and left the room.

He hummed to himself as he searched the large house for the other boys. "Luke?" He called out, his voice echoing down the long hallway. No answer. "Calum?" He called for the other boy, getting slightly annoyed. They must be listening to music or something.

Just then, Michael saw Calum storm out of Luke's room. "Everything okay, mate?" Michael asked again, this time to another bandmate.

"I'm done with Luke's shit. I felt bad for him, but now it's just getting pathetic. He needs serious help, Michael. Why'd he have to fall for-" Calum stopped himself, after realizing what he was saying. "Shit, sorry. Forget I said anything."

"No, I wanna hear what you have to say." Michael argued. "Please, tell me."

"I-" Calum paused for a moment. "I don't know if I can, Michael. I promise, it's nothing bad about you. Maybe I can tell you later, okay?" Michael nodded, understanding. He didn't want to admit to Calum, but he knew it was going to be in the back of his mind all day. He was the type of person who got mad if he couldn't know a secret, but he tried to let it go. 'It's not his secret to tell." He assured himself.

"Why were you calling my name, Mikey?" Calum questioned after a moment of silence.

"Oh, yeah. I was going to ask you and Luke if you wanted to go shopping with me. Ashton hurt his arm, and looked sick so I put him in his bed. We need food, we have, like. none."

"I'll go, but I think Luke should stay. He needs to chill out, so maybe some time alone will be good for him. Besides, I don't really want to see him right now, he's causing me a lot of stress. I just hope he doesn't do anything dangerous..." Calum muttered the last part, hoping that Michael wouldn't hear.

"Okay then, let's go."


Luke heard the front door shut, and sighed in relief. He had overheard some of the boys' conversation, and picked up that they'd be going shopping. He also heard Calum say that he was stressful, so he didn't enjoy that part.

Luke had been feeling terrible, due ti the argument with Calum so he figured that right now was a good opportunity to cut again. No one was home, so that weight was lifted off his shoulders.

Even though he was alone, he didn't make any sounds. He walked swiftly to the bathroom, but was disappointed when he found no razors. Calum couldn't possibly of found out... nor could Michael, or Ashton. Luke tried his hardest to hide his cuts with loads of bracelets, long shirts and sweaters.

He stayed calm, and figured that maybe they'd been moved to the upstairs bathroom. He carefully made his way up the staircase, passing each of the boys rooms. He smiled a little bit, reading the goofy signs the boys had put on their doors. As he got to Ashton's room, he felt sad. Ashton in general made him feel sad. The fact that he would never be his killed Luke.

Luke was deep in his thoughts, when he heard a groan come from behind the almost closed door. He jumped, letting out a little squeak. It always scared him when he heard a noise if he was alone.

He forgot about it and started to walk past Ashton's room, when he heard another noise. He was scared shitless, but he racked up the courage to peek into the dark room. He gulped, as he opened the door silently. "Hello?"


Luke sighed in relief. It was just Ashton. Just Ashton? Holy shit, it was Ashton!

"W-what are you doing, still at home?" Luke found it incredibly hard to talk to Ashton at any time, especially in a situation like this.

"I felt sick, so I stayed home." He decided to leave out the part about him hurting his arm, because he might make Luke feel bad if he was reminded of the glass. Michael had told Ashton about Luke's drinking last night while he was cleaning his arm, even though Michael had promised Luke that he wouldn't tell.

"Oh. Are you okay now?" Luke leaned against the doorframe.

"I don't feel so great, but it could be a thousand times worse. Anything going on, Lukey?"

"Uh, nothing." He answered quickly. Luke didn't know what Ashton meant by that, but he hoped he was just asking what's up. "Life is boring."

Ashton smiled, showing off his wonderful dimples. It actually hurt Luke when Ashton smiled. "You're in a famous band, how can that be boring?"

Luke didn't know how to respond, so he just smiled back. After a few moment of silence, Luke spoke again. "Well, I hope you feel better." Normally, Luke wouldn't be rude to his bandmates, especially Ashton, but his arms were starting to itch. He started to leave, but Ashton stopped him.

"Wait." Ashton said finally. Luke sighed and stuck his head back into the room. "Hmm?"

"Can you please stay for a bit, Lukey?" He asked sweetly. Luke thought for a moment. His arms were itching under his jumper, and he was craving the touch of the cool, metal blade. He looked back over to Ashton and his sweet little face. Luke couldn't say no to those damn puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He said quietly. "Only for a bit."

Ashton smiled, gesturing for Luke to come sit beside him. Luke crawled under the covers reluctantly, a few inches remaining between him and the love of his life.

Then, Ashton did something unexpected. He laid his head down on Luke's chest.

Luke smiled down at the beautiful boy in his arms. The two were never affectionate but something about it just felt so right to Luke. It saddened him that it was nothing special for Ashton. Luke thought it would of been the same for Ashton if it was any of the other boys. But a rare moment like this meant the world to Luke.

Ashton looked up and smiled back at Luke. The younger boy started to get a little nervous. What if he accidentally made a move on Ashton? He felt like at any moment, he wouldn't be able to control his urge to kiss him.

"Thanks for doing this, Luke. I know we're not really too close, but I'd like to be. I like this, Lukey."

Luke smiled widely. Even though Ashton meant it in a friendly way, it meant to much more to him. "No problem."

Ashton cuddled deeper into Luke's chest. Luke wrapped his arms around him reluctantly. After a few moments, he heard soft snores coming from Ashton's cute little mouth.

Luke focused solely Ashton. As cliché as it sounds, Luke was holding his world in his arms. He meant so much to Luke, Ashton just had no idea.

For the first time in days, Luke forgot about almost everything else. He forgot about his fight with Calum, he forgot about his pounding head. He just thought about his current situation; laying in bed with a sleeping Ashton in his arms at 4:00 pm. Everything on the moment was absolutely perfect, and Luke never wanted it to end.

The only problem was, that the thought of mutilating his skin never left the back of his mind.


Thanks for reading, I hope it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I'm very critical about my writing, though. That's why I've never published any stories on Wattpad before this. Thanks for reading, voting, commenting and fanning!

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