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Doge POV

MY owners are yelling again. Man life sucks. I think they might be yelling at me, but by now I just don't know.

I am finally allowed to go outside. I'm gonna jump the fence.

I'm over the fence. Much wow. I'm gonna to the woods.

I went to the woods. Very wood.

I see another dog. Much woof, very hello.

He barks back and falls on his way to meet me. Much clumsy

Oh my dog that is a wolf. Much scared


my pack is being mean to me again. It's not my fault that I fall down a lot. They yell because my jokes are "stupid".

I'm running away just for the time to breath.

I fell down again. Fuck!

I see a dog he is barking at me. Oh look he is derpy as well.

Bark, Bark! Hello!

Why is he running. Oh Fuck!

Doge x Moon MoonWhere stories live. Discover now