I put the pack onto the counter, making the blond girl look at me, blue eyes rolling.

"Is this it?" Her phone goes off as she asks me, probably getting a text from her 21st boyfriend.

"Yes." I mumble and hand her the twenty dollar bill.

She huffs and takes it, doing whatever the fuck cashiers do.

"Here's your uhm change." She pushes the money towards me, her pink glittery nails shining under the light.

I take it and shove it in my pocket, grabbing the bag as I turned around to leave.

"Ugh. Freak." She mumbles as she goes back into her phone.

A tear threatens my eye but I wipe it away, not wanting to cry again.

I huff and make my way towards the woods, wanting to get away from society for a bit.

I reach the end of the town, the hill in front of me now.

The hill I didn't want to go down the night Ray..

I climb the hill, balancing and pleading not to fall back.

I gladly don't and decide to go to the one place I know.

Ray's grave.

I walk through these tall dense trees, observing the animals and plants around me.

A bunny hops by me and another bunny soon follows.

I stare after the bunny, and follow it too.

Surprisingly, it leads me towards Ray's grave, the tombstone visible a few feet away.

The bunnies go into a small den, both snuggling close to eachother.

I admire the affection, remembering how me and Gerard were.

My lips twitch slightly upwards, but soon fall back down, making me sigh once more.

I sit down next to the tombstone, taking out the pack out of the bag.

I open the plastic, putting it back in the bag, not wanting to litter in such a beautiful place.

I hear the birds chirp as I take one roll out, feeling the soft material.

I unroll it enough to cover up my wounds, and cut it with my teeth.

Oh god this is going to hurt.

Taking the long strip in my fingertips, I slowly and painfully warp it around the wounds, yelping in pain as it wraps.

I quickly take the pin out from the roll and pin the material in place, now safely wrapped on my cuts.

I sigh in relief and lay back onto the grass, laying right next to Ray.

"I miss you buddy.." I try to laugh but nothing comes out, only sorrow.

"We will meet again though, don't worry." I whisper towards him, hoping he heard my message.

"I love you, hope your having a blast up there." I look up at the sky and breath deeply, taking in the earthy scent.

Suddenly, the bunnies start to hop towards me, their white fur getting closer and closer.

I sit up and watch them hop onto my lap, making me giggle.

They are so adorable.

"Hey there little guys." I whisper as they both nip at my sweater, pawing onto my thigh.

I giggle once more and just stare at these angelic creatures.

Reaching my hand out, I pet them, making the bunnies cuddle into my touch.

broken inside ↯frerardWhere stories live. Discover now